C H A P T E R 8 : M u s i c V i d e o

859 17 73

You (Y/N)

We head back to our apartment since it got dark and for the first time in a while I was happy, I was holding 2D's hand and laying my head on his shoulder.

"You want to announce it?" 2D says smiling as we stand by the door.

I nod my head and we enter.

We walk in and the band are all in the living room. Playing with their instruments, they notice us immediately.

"We have an announcement......" 2D starts "(Y/N)..... and I are official"

Everyone's eyes widen, the room stays silent for a moment until Noodle breaks it.

"OH MY GOD this is so exciting!" She exclaims. While getting up from the couch and running towards us "when did you guys made it official-"

"No one is dating anyone" Murdoc says "remember what the contract said-"

"The contract is trash" I say.

"Yew can't date any of the band members!" Murdoc says getting up.

"Well I didn't sign the contract" I say.

"But 2D did" Murdoc says "are yew even finished with the songs-"

I cut him off by showing him the now finished songs "Me and 2D just finished writing them"

Murdoc then stays speechless.

"Shall we work on then?" I say "It's going to be a long night"

"Alright let's get to work" Russel says getting up from the couch.

"What are the songs called?" Murdoc asks.

"Big Ben, Sex Act, and Tryst" I say "they are all straight to the point"

"We usually don't name our songs like this" Murdoc says.

We make it to the studio and 2D and me start singing the melody as Russel already has an idea for the beat as Noodle and Murdoc get an idea for the cords.

10 hours pass as we finish the songs and album.

"We'll just put these songs on our album and make these our singles" Murdoc says looking at the computer.

"Great" I say as I lay my back on the couch tired.

At this point we are all tired, we didn't get any sleep and we were up all night.

"Let me just-"Murdoc then falls asleep as he hits his head on the keyboard.

I added a flute solo to Tryst because I felt like we needed something new and different.

"This album is definitely going to be different from any other album you guys made" I say lazily to the rest of the band members as Murdoc starts snoring.

2D takes out his bottle of painkillers and swallows some.

I then get an idea.

"Hey I think I have an idea" I say getting up and walking into the soundproof room where the mic and headphones are at.

"What are you doing" Noodle says.

I speak to the mic so they can hear me "I want to sing part of a song and make a cover from it, I'll just sing acapella with low r&b sounds to be our intro to the album"

"That's actually a great idea" Russel says "what song?"

"(Y/F/S)(Your favorite song)" I say.

"Ooooh I love that song" Noddle says being upside on the couch.

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