C H A P T E R 2 : R e a l i z a t i o n

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Being in the studio is like my drug, I'm constantly writing and recording me singing and playing with some instruments. Once I get an idea I quickly write it in my notebook so I won't forget it.

"Hey we're going to go eat wanna come" Joey says peeking his head in the studio.

"No thank you" I say biting onto my pencil.

"Alright we're coming back at 2 in the morning" Joey says.

"Okay" I say not looking at him while not taking my eyes off my notebook.

Joey shuts the door hard and I hear something fall and break, I go to investigate what fell and I see a notebook. It looks familiar, should I open it? No I shouldn't.

"Ok I will" I open it and their lyrics. Too familiar. Why was this hiding. I then sing a lyric then another one then I come to a realization. This was mine and one of the songs was one of our top songs on the billboards. When did I write this, I read the date. This was before the night incident when I was robbed and hit.

Flashbacks start to appear in my head.


It was a beautiful night in London it was just the perfect amount of light from the moon and wind. I was listening to one of the songs I wrote, my earbuds were on super loud but I didn't mind.

Then the hit in the back of my head. I fall dropping everything I had in my hands. Then shoes appear in front of me grabbing my notebook and bag I wasn't far from my hotel but they start walking towards my hotel with my bag.

It was two people, they turn and it's Paula and Joey.

End of Flashback

I rub my temples hard as I hit the drum set behind me making the stack fall.

"It was them" I say I widening my eyes and look back to where my notebook fell and there was a secret compartment behind the poster.

I open it and I take out my bag I had that night, my earbuds, my laptop, and... the weapon I was hit with. There was still blood on it, my blood..... It was a brick. I hold it, it's cold.

"What should I do" I say pacing around "Why did they do this to me?"

I have to get out of here, out of this country, I have to go somewhere where they'll never find me in a million years.

I go to my room and I start packing I then go to my laptop and buy a plane ticket....to London. That'll be the last place they'll ever find me.

I finish packing all my clothes and I head to the studio to get my stuff. I take my notebook and my bag that they stoled.

It's 10 of the night and my plane leaves at 12. I call for an Uber, I left everything that was mine empty I'm never coming back again. But why did they do this to me.

"Where to m'am?" The driver says.

"LAX airport please" I say putting my seat belt on.

The driver starts driving as I look out the window and look at the night sky.

I don't live far from LAX so I get there in 10 minutes. I thank the driver and tip him as he leaves me in front of the airport.

I hold my suitcase and I walk quickly hoping no one recognizes me. The bad thing is that I'm not anonymous to the fans from the band. So i'm known. I cover my mouth and put my hood over my head.

I get stopped by security to get checked and scanned. Meaning I had to reveal my face.

"Hey you look familiar" the security guys says looking at me.

"I get that a lot" I say grabbing my bags "have a good night Sir"

Damn I'm going to have to cover my face a lot, I just hope people from London don't recognize me.

I rapidly hurry to get checked for my plane ticket and put my suitcases onto the suit escalator. I then take my notebook and bag that Paula and Joey had taken. I show my plane ticket to the lady and I enter the plane.

I deeply breath hard and let it out slowly knowing that I'm safe now. I'm leaving this country and starting new. I just hope I don't get found or be all over the news.

The plane then starts to lift off while I hear the person next to me groan.

"First time?" I ask.

"No it's just I'm not a very big fan of flights" She says holding hard to the arm rest.

"Well I just a imagine being in a really long ride" I say.

"Like a rollercoaster" She says.

"Yeah kinda like just no constant drops" I say.

"I'm Noodle" She says extending her arm for me to shake.

"(Y/N)" I say shaking her hand.

"Hey you look very familiar, have we met before" Noodle says.

"I don't think so" I say smiling "what brings you to London"

"Well I live there, I just came for a visit to LA to film a music video in Santa Monica" Noodle says.

"Oh cool what do you do" I ask.

"I'm a guitarist and I'm in a band" Noodle says smirking.

"Oh cool me too-" I pause "well was"

"Oh no what happened" Noodle ask.

"Well let's just say things didn't work out" I say.

"Oh that must of sucked" Noodle says facing me now "what did you do"

"I wrote songs and sang as a background vocalist" I say I opening my notebook and showing her my songs.

"These lyrics sound familiar" Noodle says reading them "wow your talented"

Noodle then reads the one I was writing on my way to the airport. "Wow this is incredible, so touching" She says changing her tone in voice.

"Thanks I'm feeling a mix of emotions right now I decided to call it 'everytime'"I say "does your band have any lead singers"

"Oh yes it's my friend he's amazing his voice goes so well with our songs" Noodle says "he has blue hair and girls go crazy over him"

"Oh really" I say lifting an eyebrow "well except this girl"

We both laugh "say where are you going to do at London"

"I'm going to rebuild my life here" I say "I'm probably going to stay at a hotel until I get into a band or work at some place"

"Girl you should join my band and stay at my place" Noodle says.

"Oh no I don't want to ask for much" I say "it's your band I don't want to interfere"

"Okay at least stay at my place" Noodle says.

"Okay" I say smiling "thanks"

"Oh don't thank me it's just I'm the only girl and I sometimes I get lonely without having the same gender around to talk to" Noodle says.

"Okay but will your band be okay with it?" I ask.

"I'll make sure" Noodle says.

"Ladies and Gentlemen 8 hours left till this flight, just sit back and relax" The pilot says.

"Well looks like we're going to be here for a while" Noodle says "wanna watch movies"

"Definitely" I say.

2 Chapters in one day? Amazing!! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter anyways Sorry if it was boring and I just wanted to share how their friendship started. Thank you, next.....

-Lovely Princessx

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