Chapter 1: Anti-Pesto

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An annoying beeping sound echoes through a front yard full of vegetables, from a garden gnome with now blinking red eyes.

The beep connects with a picture in a house. The beeping continues and activates the machines built into the house. The kettle on the stove goes off blowing steam into a propeller, the propeller activates a pulley system, which activates a pole to poke the bottom of a bed frame awaking a once sleeping Gromit who is now alert but unwilling to leave the comfort of his bed.

Meanwhile in Wallace's room a picture of cheese is lifted up and a robotic hand holding a plate of cheese exits. Wallace drawn to the smell of his favorite delicacy follows the cheese hand as it lures him near the picture, the picture like door closes causing Wallace to go face first into it effectively waking him up.

Gromit waits patiently as the picture of a dog bone on his wall flips to say Activate Launch, beeping loudly. Gromit let's out a heavy breath prepping himself for what was to happen next. The wall next to the head board of his bed lowers, and his bed immediately lifts up from the foot end, same with Wallace, and the two slide down separate slides.

As they slide down they meet and look at each other for a moment before coming to a brief stop. Two caps are slapped and turned onto their heads before the slides move and they return to sliding down. They come to another stop at the end of the slides and land inside their designated shoes. A cup of coffee, the way they like it, is being made in the mean time. 

Once it's done they grab it and a pair of robotic hands grab the end of the slate, they still lay at rest on, and catapults them into the air making their coffee fly out of their cup.

Wallace on his way down lands into his anti-pesto uniform while Gromit continues to fall at a steady rate. The two slide down another slide and come to another stop, their coffee landing into their cups. The two sit up clinking their cups together before drinking it as the seats they landed in rise up and the two are in their van.

They finish their coffee and place the now empty cups onto plates outside their car windows before Wallace drives off to their destination.

As they drive Gromit shows Wallace a rabbit grabber which Wallace shakes his head at, Gromit grabs a bigger one which Wallace nods with a wide smile giving him a thumbs up.

The two roll out their truck and press their backs against a fence, Wallace turns slightly and pokes his pale index finger through a cork shaped hole in the fence and peeks through with his eye. Upon looking around the garden a shadow figure makes a strange noise and he jumps back before looking at Gromit with a panicked face, he points frantically at the gate causing Gromit to raise a sack.

Wallace pulls out a hammer with a determined look while Gromit gives a nod of confirmation, Wallace pulls the nail from the fence and Gromit back flips taking the fence with him and lands on his stomach on the ground, the sack he was holding over the pest beneath it.

Wallace follows soon after holding the Rabbit grabber high, "Oh ho ho Cracking job Gromit!" Wallace cheers as Gromit is then dragged across the patch of vegetables, knocking things down in his wake.

"Hang on old chum!" Wallace says readying the grabber.

The people living nearby and inside the house poke their heads outside their window upon hearing the racket.

"What's going on?"

"Who is it?"

The rabbit begins dragging Gromit in the direction of Wallace as he cheers, "Reel him in, lad!" and "To me. To me."

Wallace clamps the clamps over the rabbits neck effectively catching it. "Gotcha! Thieving monster."

He nods to Gromit who sits in a squat position before removing the sack revealing the captured rabbit holding the vine of a very large pumpkin.
The old couple living in the house run out into their patch and the old woman seeing her pumpkin had been dragged off wails, "Me prize pumpkin!"

Her husband tries to offer her false teeth to her, but her not paying much attention to anything besides her pumpkin pays him no mind.

Shrugging he stuffs the teeth into his own mouth and offers the pair a smile as his wife hugs her huge pumpkin, "Me little baby. Me pride and joy." She coos at the pumpkin as if it were a baby.

She looks up from hugging her pumpkin giving Wallace a bright gummy smile, " You've saved it, Anti Pesto."

Wallace offers a smile, "It was nothing at all, Mrs..."

The rabbit still wanting a bite of the pumpkin sniffs before jumping onto the pumpkin ready to take a bite almost making Wallace fall over but he quickly tries to reassure the couple, "Everything's under control." While having a bit of tug of war between himself the rabbit and the old woman.

In her fit of panic she elbows her husband in the stomach causing the false teeth to fly from his mouth and knock the rabbit out.

"Don't worry, madam." Wallace said as Gromit checked to make sure the rabbit was still breathing, along with searching for the now missing false teeth.

The woman cradles her pumpkin once more as her husband places a hand on her shoulder, "Thank you, Mr. Wallace."

"All in a night's work, Mrs. Mulch. Gromit straightens out the bill of his hat. Mr. Mulch walks forward and observes the rabbit who takes swings at him in an attempt to punch him, "Cute little feller, isn't her? You'd never believe they'd cause so much damage."

Wallace shakes his head slightly, "Oh, he may look innocent, sir. But left to his own devices, this is the ultimate vegetable- destroying machine." Wallace says walking away Gromit following close behind.

The rabbit turns to the couple while still in capture and gives them a wide cocky smile revealing the large set of false teeth.

"Reg, me teeth!" Mrs. Mulch shouts in alarm.

Gromit closes his side of the door and removes his hat before shaking out his ears.

Wallace smiles big at his faithful companion, "Job well done lad. Subject disarmed and neutralized." He cheers petting Gromit's head.

As they drive back home people in town shout and cheer out their appreciation and blessings to Anti-pesto. 

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