Chapter 2 Totty and Lottie

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The next morning, Gromit runs his paws lightly along some hanging knives ominously before choosing a sharp one.

He sharpens the knife, before turning to the counter he raises his knife paw high ominously before bringing it down on a carrot, he happily chops up the rest of the carrot before placing the chopped carrot onto a plate. He admires his handiwork of the multitude of plated chopped carrots with a satisfied looking on his face.

He begins dumping the plated carrots into bins with pen numbers each leading down to pens each filled with hungry rabbits excited about their breakfast.

Having finished with the rabbits breakfast he moves over to his teapot and opens the lid only for a rabbits head to pop out before hiding.

He looks around for the rabbit before noticing the buns container shaking, he opens it and sees three rabbits happily eating the buns, upon being caught they stop. Gromit gives them a disapproving glare and prepares to grab them when they throw their half eaten buns at his face causing him to be distracted enough for them to run off.

They run into the cracked refrigerator, Gromit with a deep frown grabs his wooden spoon from kitchen counter and slowly stalks over to the fridge, he opens it quickly but is surprised to be met with his now empty fridge, confused he slowly backs away not noticing the rabbits holding the food in their paws as they sat in the door of the fridge.

Gromit sensing eyes on him slowly and cautiously turns to the refrigerator door, seeing all the rabbits he jumps in surprise and is tackled to the ground by the playful rabbits.

he wrestles on the ground with the rabbits to collect them. Upon managing to grab them all by their scruffs he holds them up and gives them motherly glare. One of the rabbits who is now holding his wooden spoon hits him on the head with it causing the rest and himself to laugh.

Gromit gives it another motherly glare before opening a bin that led to the pins and dropping them gently down it, the rabbits let out happy cheers as they slide down causing Gromit give a playful glare and shake of his head.

A beeping sound catches Gromit's attention, he looks up at a sign with red light bulbs to the side, and notices the breakfast light bulb was lighting up.

Wallace annoyingly continues to press the button that let's the beep. "It was a long, hard night last night, Gromit. I'll need a good, hearty breakfast under me belt." Wallace hollers joyfully to Gromit, who pushes a trolley over to a switch in the dining room causing Wallace to go through his daily morning routine. "Pile it up, lad. I'm in the mood for food!" Wallace cheers before he gets stuck in the hole.

Embarrassed Wallace let's out a nervous chuckle, "Gromit, old pal. It's happened again. I'll need assistance."
Gromit rolls his eyes before moving forward over to another lever that says assistance, he pulls said lever and a hammer comes from Wallace's closet and drops onto his head forcefully pushing him through the hole and into his chair.

"Well, thanks, chuck."


After breakfast, Wallace receives a call and he answers the call, "Yes. Lady Tottington here of Tottington Hall." The red head woman over the phone explains as she looks over at her collie who was next to her eating carrot cake and offering her coffee.

"Your Ladyship. This is an honor!" Wallace said with a wistful voice. He stands up and unintentionally hits his hand on his invention's glass on his head.

"Yes, yes, It's a disaster. Me and my dear Lottie have the most terrible rabbit problem." Tottington explains as Lottie catches another rabbit and gently places it out the window. "The competition's only days away. You simply have to do something." She explains looking over at Lottie who had managed to get a group of Rabbits to go back out into the large front yard.

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