Wallace the were-rabbit 2

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"Thing is, well, you've rather let me down with this beastly beast business." Tottington explains sadly. Gromit comes from around the corner and takes note of Lottie who turns her head away from him. Gromit looks down sadly.

Wallace glances at Gromit taking note of his sad look, "I suppose I have." Speaking about both Tottington and Gromit. He always wanted his Gromit to find love, and because of him he might have ruined it.

"Yes. It's obvious to me that you have absolutely no idea where this poor creature is."  Tottington continues and Gromit scrunches up with face and looks up at Wallace. "And I'm afraid you've given me no option but to let Victor shoot the poor thing." Tottington's voice cracks and Lottie stands to pet her shoulder.

Both Wallace's and Gromit's eyes widen in alarm and fear. "Shoot it?"

Gromit turns to Wallace before turning back to Lottie who gives him a sad frown.

"Yes. Wasn't an easy choice, what with how much I love animals, but the vegetable competition has to come first." Tottington says petting Lottie's head between her sniffling. Wallace's hat slowly begins to rise as his cramped rabbit ears begin to grow. "Besides, Victor promised me it won't suffer. It will be quick and painless."

Wallace taking notice holds his Ushanka down and looks up at the full moon in worry. He looks down at his quivering hands as they begins to rapidly grow fur. He hides them behind his back and gives a shaky, "How thoughtful."

"I cannot deny it was a difficult decision for us. Because we've recently developed..." Tottington says looking down at Lottie who was taking notice of Wallace's transformation. Lottie struggles not to eye Wallace in alarm and looks up at Tottington with sad eyes.

"Hurry." Wallace mutters in a panicked state. He eyes his growing shoes and looks back up at Tottington.

"... Feelings for you and dear Gromit." Tottington finishes with a sniff. Gromit's eyes widen. He and Lottie make eye contact and he can't but blush, praying that his chances with Lottie were destroyed.

Before meeting Lottie he had never made it a priority to focus his life on anyone but Wallace. But seeing her body give off a majestic glow from the full moon he couldn't deny that she had become very important to his life.

Wallace's feet turn into large rabbit ones bursting through his black shoes. Lottie's eyes and ears raise at the sight. She looks to Gromit who looks just as panicked as Wallace.

"Feelings? Oh, well, nevermind, eh?" Wallace says the first thing to come to his mind hoping  end the conversation as he hides his big feet behind the door. He goes to close the door not wanting Tottington to see him. "Ta-ra, then."

Tottington stops the door from closing with a frown, "Wait! Wallace. I haven't finished. There's more that needs to be said." She says feeling offended.

"Well, I'll give you a tinkle, shall I?" He asks before his mouth begins quivering and a single bucktooth appears. He quickly uses his arm to cover his mouth.

"Can't we at least shake hands? Part as friends?" Tottington asks, her heart breaking.

Wallace turns around as his second bucktooth appears, "It's not very convenient at the moment." He says. "Thanks for coming by." He sharply closes the door in her face.

Tottington highly offended and hurts let's out an indignant, "We'll, I... I..."

She sharply turns away sniffling into her handkerchief. She and Lottie make their way to the gate but turn sadly to the lower window where Wallace's face appears blowing raspberry at them before being pulled away by Gromit.

Tottington heart shattered immediately rushes away crying.  Lottie looks back and sees Gromit give her a pleading look before Wallace nearly falls on him.

Lottie gives an understanding nod before quickly following after a sobbing Tottington.

Meanwhile in a dark alley across the street stood Victor and Phillip who were eyeing the scene with dark looks.

"That's right, our lovelies. You can say goodbye to your fluffy lover boys." Victor snaps his fingers and Phillip jumps up handing him his rifle to which he holds menacingly.

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