Wallace the were- rabbit

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That night Victor visited the Vicar. The only person he knew to go to, Vicar gave him some information about the were-rabbit and how to kill it.

With 24 karat golden bullets.


The next morning, Gromit sat blankly at the dining table lost on what he should do. His eyes staring blankly at the chair across from him where Wallace would sit. The paper in front of him sitting as a painful reminder of what had transpired the night before.

He eyes the chute Wallace is due to fall from any minute. The machine beeps for breakfast and Gromit hesitantly stands from his chair and slowly makes his way over to the lever. He continues to eye the chute as he pulls the lever down causing some vegetables then Wallace to slip through.

He watches Wallace with wide eyes before slowly making his way around the table. The Machine dresses Wallace up as usual as Gromit slowly reaches for the table in a silent panic.

Gromit sits in his chair and never loses eye contact with Wallace's figure.

For a minute Wallace struggles to get his head through his shirt and cardigan, once he's finally free he reveals his big bushy brown rabbit ears with a happy "Tee-hee!"

Gromit blinks in surprise once more. "Perfect re-entry, Gromit. This veg diet's doing the trick, eh, lad?" Wallace asks with a bright smile happily grabbing the carrot that had fallen onto his plate earlier. "I feel smashing." He says happily smacking his now toned belly before taking a chomp out of the carrot.

"So how's our rabbit-monster?" He asks Gromit causing to look to the side awkwardly before looking back at Wallace. "Hope you're keeping an eye on him." Gromit awkwardly nods not removing his eyes from Wallace's ears.

Wallace noticing something wrong with his dear friend begins to remove the smile from his face before looking behind him, when he turns back around he looks at Gromit in confusion. "What's up, dog?"

Gromit moves up and over to him and pulls out a mirror causing Wallace to jump upon seeing himself with large rabbit ears, "Well, fancy that. Rabbit ears." He says admiring his ears. "That is a bit odd."

Gromit searches the table before his eyes land on the newspaper with the were-rabbit's face on it. He places the mirror down and picks up the newspaper he points to the picture hoping Wallace will get the hint.

"And what are you tryin' to say, lad?" Wallace says nervously, Gromit rolls his eyes before poking the paper and again before pointing at Wallace.

"What?" Wallace says in disbelief, "What?" He repeats.

"You think that I'm the...?" He trails off seeing Gromit nod his head. Wallace begins laughing in disbelief, "Because of these?" He says gesturing to his ears.

Gromit slowly becomes annoyed. "Oh, no. No. This is just a reaction to that healthy veg diet you got me on." Gromit looks down knowing Wallace is in denial. "it's the toxins coming out." He says with a firm mile.

"Silly old pooch." He said petting Gromit's head annoying Gromit as he steps away from Wallace trying to think of a way to make him believe him as Wallace continues his rambling.

Wallace grabs the newspaper Gromit had slammed to the table, "The next thing you'll be saying is that Hutch is turning into me." He laughs not realizing that he gave Gromit an idea.


Gromit had dragged Wallace down the stairs before unlocking Hutch's large cage door. "Hey. What are you doing, lad?" Wallace asks. Gromit places his hands on his hips and looks up at Wallace who had begun shaking in fear. "Have you gone completely mad?"

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