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"You gotta help me, Gromit!" Wallace says shaking Gromit's shoulders as he begins to change before Gromit's eyes. "Hide me. Anything! Before it's too late!"

Wallace falls onto his back on the floor, "Lad!"

Hutch who was still hanging by the coat on the hangar let's out a chirpy, "Your Lordship!" Gromit panics and spots Victor ominously heading to the door his gun at ready.

Gromit quickly grabs the end of the carpet and begins to panic as he uses the carpet to help him drag the still turning Wallace. He kicks the kitchen door open revealing the smashed back door, he looks back taking note of how quickly Wallace was changing.

Gromit tugs faster and makes it out the back door when he is suddenly tugged backwards causing him to land on his back.

He quickly catches his bearings and looks behind him to the kitchen door. Wallace, now a full grown were rabbit stands and heads back into the house.

Annoyed Gromit punches the ground before quickly standing and enters the house as Were Wallace begins eating the large abundance of carrots in the fridge. Gromit tries to push the large rabbit out of the door.

Hutch still at the hanger near the door let's out a scared yelp catching Gromit's attention as Victor's shadow cast over the stain glass window in the door.

Hutch jumps out of the coat with a chirpy "oof" before heading up the stairs, "Good night, Gromit!" He chirps.

Gromit looks around frantically.

Victor outside the door takes a bullet from his holder and kisses it before placing it in his rifle.

Were Wallace continues happily eating the carrots unaware of the danger that lurked behind the front door.

A flirty whistle is then heard from the back door catching Were Wallace's attention.

He turns to the door and is greeted with Gromit dressed in the Large rabbit suit from the truck.

Gromit makes the female rabbit suit wink and Were Wallace smooths his ears back before walking over to Gromit.

Gromit quickly rushes off with a panicked look on his face.

Were Wallace smashes through the door and quickly follows after Gromit just as Victor begins trying to kick the door down.

Were Wallace grabs The rabbit suits arm and begins kissing up it.

Gromit disturbed looks at it before Were Wallace squeezes the bunny tail surprising Gromit as it let's out a honk. Gromit feeling offended makes the Female rabbit suit smack Were Wallace's face causing him to let out a surprised oh.

Were Wallace, annoyed breaths through his nose just as Victor kicks the door down. Gromit hearing the front door being kicked down looks around frantically before spotting a large bouncing toy.

He uses it to make the female rabbit bounce over the fences and away from the house. Were Wallace thinking that the female rabbit was playing hard tog et bounces after "her".

Victor runs through the destroyed back entryway and looks around before spotting the large rabbit he shoots it, the gun shot echoing through the entire town.

The townspeople, Lady Tottington and Lottie all let out gasps from their place on the fair grounds.

"Tis done." A old man says.

Lottie places her paws over her snout as her eyes begin to tear up.

Tottington sobs, making the crowd look down in sadness.

Vicar places a hand on Tottington's shoulder, "My poor sensitive child. Allow us all to share in your moment of sorrow."

The group is quiet for a short minute before Vicar let's out a loud, "YEAH!"

The people cheer as if it was new years while Lottie shakes her head and pats Tottington's arm.

"On with the show!"
Lottie looks out into the distance, 'Oh Gromit...'


Victor kicks open someone's back gate and walks over to the still rabbit. Phillip trailing behind him both with shit eating smirks.

Victor prepares to lift up the rabbit by it's ears when suddenly the head came off. "What the...?" Victor grumbles.

Gromit slowly raises his head out of the body the rabbit with a sheepish look. "Why you..." Victor says as he prepares his rifle once more.

Phillip after glaring at Gromit barks catching Victor's attention. Phillip leads Victor to some destroyed brick walls.

Victor takes note that it was in the direction of the festival where fireworks were going off.

"Of Course. The vegetable competition." Victor says.

Suddenly Gromit finds himself being thrown into one of the anti-pesto cages. "You're loyalty is moving. Sadly, you won't be." Victor says smirking down at the trapped Gromit who eyes him.

"Come along, Phillip." Victor says walking away.

Phillip pulls out a picture of Lottie and kisses it to mock Gromit. Gromit's glare deepens at the pit in front of him.

Phillip smirks and kicks the cage door close. "Everyone's been looking forward to a good show. Let's see they get one."

Both him and Phillip snicker while leaving Gromit in the locked cage.

Gromit begins to shake the cage doors trying to get out before giving up and crying.

Gromit and LottieWhere stories live. Discover now