The Festival

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Gromit quickly rushes to his green house with Lottie not far behind as he types in the code.

Gromit rushes up to his prize squash, removing the blanket from over top of it.

He pets it with a sad look in his eyes. Lottie places a paw on his shoulder noticing that Gromit was eyeing the flyer for the vegetable competition at Tottington Hall. She places her paw on his cheek and gives him a small apologetic look.

Gromit takes a deep breath before finally cutting the stem of the ever growing squash.

"Quiet! Quiet!" Victor yells over the panicking townspeople, annoyed he then shoots a bullet in the air causing the people to go quiet in fear.

"Now listen carefully." He states once he has their attention, "I've only got two..." He remembers that he shot one of the bullets into the air, "I've only got one gold bullet left. So leave this to me." He finishes proudly setting the last bullet into the gun.

He begins to walk away. As Tottington and the townsfolk watch him, "Yes, all right, I admit he beast is still at large. But the good news is your prize vegetables are the perfect bait..."

"Bait?" Mrs. Mulch says incredulously eyeing her prize pumpkin.

"And will draw the creature like a magnet." Victor finishes with a malicious smirk.

"My baby." Mrs. Mulch says petting her pumpkin. Mr. Mulch smoking his pipe glances at his wife, "There, there, love it'll be all..." He turns to see his wife and her pumpkin missing.

"Mrs. Mulch! NO!" Tottington says as they all watch the old woman run away with her pumpkin in a wheel barrow running away.

Victor turns in surprise as they watch the old woman run as fast as her legs can take her.

"It's not getting my baby!" Mrs. Mulch shouts as she runs.


Meanwhile Gromit, Lottie and Hutch were speeding in the truck to the festival.

"Lovely food. For rabbits, that is." Hutch said to Lottie and Gromit who both awkwardly nod their head at the rabbit driving.

Gromit silently ties the squash up in some rope.

"COME BACK! COME BACK!" The townsfolk yell to Mrs. Mulch.

Victor looks around before spotting the teacup ride shaking causing the teaspoon to shake on it's plat.

"Yes. Right on cue." Victor says taking note of the lump on the ground that was following Mrs. Mulch.

"Come back!" The people notice the large lump in the grass following Mrs. Mulch, "GO AWAY!"

Victor takes aim, "That's right. Come to Uncle Victor."

"It's coming for us!" Someone yells as Were Wallace turns towards where the vegetables were.

Hutch drives through the festival exit and towards the group.
"Bingo." Victor says aiming his scope at the large lump in the ground.

Suddenly the Anti-pesto Van invades his sight of the lump and the lump in the ground follows the van.

"What the...?" Victor says.

He looks up and sees Gromit surfing his squash that was tied to the back of the van.

Gromit gives him a mocking salute.

"Hurrah for Anti-Pesto!" Tottington cheers she turns to her right where Lottie would often be and was surprised to not see her by her side.

"Lottie? Lottie? Where are you my dear?" Tottington shouts in worry for her canine bestie.

Lottie pokes her head out the van window upon hearing her name, her and Gromit make eye contact before she puts her head back inside.

Victor growls at the sight of Gromit.

"It's getting away!" A man shouts shaking Victor's arm.

"Get off, you stupid..." Before Victor could finish his sentence a woman snatches his shot gun and shoots the last bullet causing her to go flying backwards.

Gromit ducks as the bullet hits the back of the van. He then give Hutch and Lottie a thumbs up to reassure them causing Lottie and Hutch to smile at the rear view mirror at Gromit.

Were Wallace then pops out from the ground and hops happily after the squash and van.

"Vicar, I need more gold bullets!" Victor yelled grabbing Vicar's robe and pulling him toward him.

"They don't come cheap, you know!" Vicar says in a panic causing Victor to throw him to the side.

Victor takes note of the golden carrot trophy and smirks, he goes to grab it only for Tottington to stop him by grabbing it herself.

"Victor? What are you doing?" Tottington said clutching the trophy close to her.

"I need it, my sweet. Emergency." Victor says struggling to take it from her.

Tottington's cries catch both Lottie and Were Wallace's attention, Lottie throws her head out the window and searches before her eyes land on Victor harassing her master, she growls.

Were Wallace also seeing the scene growls. He makes a motion for Hutch to stop only to see Hutch poke his head out the window to look out like Lottie, saying a happy, "Cheese, Gromit."

Gromit's eyes widen as the van goes bursting into a tent full of cheese. The van crashes causing the squash to slam against it and Gromit goes head first inside the Squash causing them both to fall.

Lottie jumps out the van worried about Gromit.

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