The Rescue

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"The Golden Carrot belongs in the show!" Tottington exclaims trying to pull the trophy from Victor.

"No, The Golden Carrot belongs in the Were-Rabbit." Victor counters. 

Tottington let's go and let's out a gasp as she looks behind her.

Victor confused turns to her feeling victorious (Lel) until he sees Were Wallace behind her.

Were- Wallace punches the top of Victor's head before picking up Tottington gently by the waist.

"Every man for himself!" Someone shouted as everyone fled the scene.

"Lottie! Help! Help! Help me!" Tottington cries out searching desperately for her Lottie.

Were-Wallace putts Victor away before walking away with Tottington under his arm.

"Put me down at once, you great big hairy thing, you!" Tottington calls out to Were-Wallace. 

A vendor places a sign over his sign and shouts out, "Mob Supplies! Get your angry mob supplies here." 

Gromit sits up from his squash and shakes his head to get rid of the stars before noticing Lottie watching from the flap of the tent what was happening outside.

Gromit looks down sadly at his prized squash. 

"Put her down, you great ugly brute!"

"I'll bagsy the lucky rabbit's foot!"

The townspeople surround Were- Wallace making him feel cornered both he and Lottie let out a low shriek at the sight of the angry mob before Were-Wallace jumps up causing the townspeople to jump off each other like a fountain.

Gromit quickly getting over his Squash takes note of Lottie panicking and waving frantically.

He quickly goes to meet her at the tent flap and opens it, his eyes going wide at the sight  of Tottington being carried up Tottington Manor by Were- Wallace.

"Lottie HELP!" Tottington screams knowing that Lottie would never let her down.

Gromit glances down as Lottie runs over towards the manor with a determined look on her face.

Gromit sees Victor remove the Golden Carrot from the stand and put it into the barrel of his weapon.

Gromit, needing to save his best friend/ master rushes up to Victor only to be met with Phillip mocking him with his big teeth.

Gromit backs up in fear but glances over at Lottie who was trying to get Tottington and Were- Wallace's attention.

Lottie punches the wall before frantically looking around. She spots some overgrown vines that used to pester her on the wall.

Lottie runs to the wall only to see Gromit facing Phillip and Victor climbing up the wall.

She looks between the two with troubled look on her face.

Were-Wallace helps her decision by removing  the pipe from the wall taking Victor down along with it.

Phillip and Gromit look up at Victor upon hearing him call out in fear.

Victor falls face first into the candy floss machine causing himself to spin.

Gromit seeing Phillip distracted quickly rushes off grabs Lottie's paw and runs off.

Were-Wallace let's out a howl and begins beating on his chest causing a bunch rabbits who were raiding the festival to do the same.

Phillip looks behind him and sees Gromit rushing off with Lottie and let's out an annoyed humph.

Were- Wallace smashes through the window of the green house on the roof.

Tottington punches his chest, "Put me down! Put me down, you... Whatever you are! Help!"

Were Wallace gently place Tottie down on some over grown leaves and gently backs away.

Tottington surprised it wasn't hurting her looks at it, "What is it? What are you staring at with those beastly eyes?" Tottington asks confused.

Were-Wallace looks at his paws before doing his signature hand wiggle.

Tottington's eyes widen, "Wallace?"


Meanwhile Gromit and Lottie were running as fast as they could never taking their eyes off the greenhouse where they can see Were-Wallace's shadow.

Gromit having an idea stops causing Lottie to pause and look at him as he eyes the Dog fight toy planes.

Gromit quickly grabs Lottie bridal style and gently puts her in the plane before climbing in himself. He quickly checks his body for coins but lucky for him, Lottie had some and inserted them. He rubs his nose with hers quickly before flying the plane off.

Phillip seeing the two rushes off to them but quickly ducks before his head can be removed by the plane.

Gromit glances behind him at Phillip as Lottie drives them off.

Phillip looks behind him at the planes where the kids could only watch in shock. Phillip seeing the word dog fight gives a evil smirk.



"Oh, Wallace." Tottington cries hugging the were rabbit. "What ever have you done to yourself?" She asks.

She parts their hug and holds his paws, "Well, don't you worry. I'll protect you." She says neither of them notice Victor coming up from the elevator with a cotton candy toupee.

Both Were-Wallace and Tottington gasp at the malicious sight of Victor.

"Get your hairy mitts off my future wife, you big brute." Victor says menacingly.

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