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The girls walk over to Were-Wallace and Gromit.

The rabbits peak their heads through the tent in worry.

Were- Wallace finally closes his eyes as the magic on him turns him back to normal.

Gromit tears up as Lottie walks to sit next to him holding the changing Wallace's hand.

"Oh, Gromit." Tottington says as she hands him a tissue and Lottie places her head on his shoulder, "At least now he's at peace. The rabbit's gone."

Tottington sniffs and Gromit looks down at his master heartbroken. "if only there were a way to bring back Wallace." Tottington moves away from Gromit giving him space to mourn as the rabbits at the tent entrance sob.

Gromit looks at them before down at Wallace. Lottie's ears perk up to the sound of eating and she spots Hutch eating some of the cheese from the tent.

Hutch taking note that Lottie saw him gives her a bright smile, "Lovely cheese, Lottie." He tells her.

Lottie's tears dry up as she snaps as an idea forms in her head. Both Gromit and Tottington looks at Lottie confused as she snatched some cheese from Hutch's pile.

"Lottie?" Tottington asked.

"Don't forget the crackers." Hutch tells her with a smile.

Lottie holds the cheese in front of Wallace's nose catching Gromit's attention.

Wallace's nose twitches catching the group's attention, Wallace's eyes open, "Cheese?" He opens his eyes confirming the smell, "CHEESE!"

Gromit's eyes widen and Tottington smiles in relief.

"it's me again. I'm back!" Wallace stands up and looks to Gromit who looks at him with bright eyes.

Lottie covers her eyes at the sight of Wallace.

"Gromit! You loving mutt!" Wallace cheers holding his arms out for his best friend. Gromit jumps into his arms and the two spin in happiness.

Tottington places a hand on Lottie's shoulder and gives her a prideful look, "Well done, old girl!" Her and Lottie hug.

Wallace upon noticing Tottington smiles big at her putting Gromit down as Gromit rushes to Lottie embracing her in thanks.


"Wallace, I'm so glad you're-" Tottington stops and covers her eyes and looks away causing Wallace to look down and realize how he was naked.

Gromit hands Wallace and box that says may contain nuts on it as a joke.

Lottie snorts in amusement and throws an arm around Gromit's shoulder, Gromit returning the favor by putting his around her waist.

"Thanks, lad." Wallace says sheepishly holding up the box.

Lottie looks down and spots the slightly bent Golden Carrot. She turns to Gromit who looks at her in confusion.

"Well, what I think Lottie is trying to say is, you deserve this trophy, Gromit. For a brave and Splendid melon." Tottington Translates for Lottie who playfully bats her eyelashes at Gromit causing him to blush as he takes the Golden Carrot.

"We've all got a lot to thank you two for." Tottington says placing a hand on both their shoulders. Lottie and Gromit look at each other with a small smiles.

Wallace ruffles Gromit's head. "Every dog has their day." 

"And thank you, Wallace. You've saved me from a terrible marriage." Tottington told him causing Wallace to blush and Gromit playfully nudges him.

"All the same, it is going to be rather lonely at Tottington Hall now." Tottington says looking at Gromit playfully pose with the carrot in front of Lottie causing Lottie to giggle. And two rabbits rub noses.

She knew that Lottie had a thing for Gromit now and wanted her best friend to be happy.

"Unless..." Tottington suddenly gets an idea and turns to face Wallace, "I have a little proposal for you, Wallace."

Wallace looks at her in nervousness.


"I'm so thrilled you agreed to go through with this." Tottington giggles.

Wallace chuckles back as they held hands. "My Pleasure, Tottie.

Wallace turns to Gromit, "One for the album, Gromit."

Gromit nods and takes a picture of the two.

"When you're ready, lad. Fire up the old BV." Wallace calls out to Gromit. Gromit nods and looks to Lottie who was waving at some of the rabbits.

Gromit releases the rabbits out into the courtyard.

"Oh it's simply Marvelous. Our home, a safe haven for all things fluffy." Tottington cheers placing a hand on Lottie's should causing the collie to look up at her with a bright smile.

Tottington and Lottie turn to Wallace and Gromit who gave each other a fist bump. "I do hope you'll still come visit, boys. We've rather gotten used to having you around." Gromit makes eye contact with Lottie and nods at her, his way of promising to visit. 

Wallace winks at Tottington, "There'll always be a part of me here at Tottington Hall." He then turns to Gromit , "Give it some more welly, lad." 

Gromit nods and Hutch goes flying in the air cheering, "CHEESE!" 


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