The Garden

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Wallace rings the doorbell and is greeted with Lottie in an apron, Lottie raises an ear at him and he gives her a kind wave.

Tottington walks over to Lottie, "Who's at the door, Lottie?" Lottie steps to the side and Tottington is surprised to see Wallace who had his hands in fist and gave them a wiggle in front of his chest.

"Mr. Wallace." Tottington says a fond smile on her face.

"It's the best, your Ladyship. I bring great news." Wallace says his cheery smile not leaving from his face.

Lottie and Totty look at each other in awe.
"Gosh, how exciting. Please, do come in." Tottington says allowing Lottie to let Wallace inside. Lottie looks around outside for Gromit.

Both girls enter the house missing how Wallace had a goofy look on his face and slammed his foot onto the ground a few times for running in and closing the door with his foot.

Meanwhile Gromit was driving quickly over to the manor a determined look on his face.

"Well, this is simply spiffing news." Lady Tottington says pouring tea into a teacup for Wallace. "With the beast in captivity, the competition can go ahead as planned. You saved the day, Mr. Wallace."

Lottie stares out the nearby window with a lost in thought look, zoning out most of the conversation.

"It was nothing, your Ladyship." Wallace says humbly.

Lady Tottington let's out a small laugh as she stand, "Ah, so modest." She gestures to the cupcakes that Lottie had made and brought in. "Oh, please, do help yourself. My dear Lottie made them, I don't know where I'd be without her." Tottington said petting Lottie's head causing her tail to wag.

"Thanks." Wallace says before grabbing the flower that was in the vase next to him and eating it causing Lottie to raise her ears. Tottington hadn't been paying attention as she was staring out the window at the setting sun.

"I so appreciate you coming all this way to let me know, Wallace." Tottington said. She turned around to look at him just a he finishes the flower. Lottie silently walks out awkwardly. "Tell me, are you a vegetable-lover yourself?"

"They're... growing on me." Wallace said laughing at his joke.

Tottington moves closer a smile on her face, "Then come with me." She walks past him to the door. "There's something very special I want to show you."

She misses Wallace scratching his ear with his foot.

Just as he follows her out the room Gromit pulls up in the driveway near the window.

"Hop in." Tottington says her bright red smile not leaving her face. Wallace slides in next to her awkwardly. "It's very snug." He says sheepishly.

"It's my Jacob's ladder." She explains  as she reaches past him and pulls the foot on a statue working it like a lever. The elevator goes up. "And it goes all the way to heaven."

Gromit watches through the window. Lottie who was taking a walk notices Gromit and raises her ears before tapping his shoulder.

Her turns to her in surprise.

He points to the elevator where Tottington and Wallace went. Lottie catching on, points up before motioning to him to follow. Gromit rushes after her and begins explaining his theory to her and why he needed to get to Wallace.


Up above was a giant greenhouse that both Tottington and Lottie took pride in.

"Welcome to my and Lottie's inner sanctum, Wallace." She says her pride taking over as Wallace eyes everything in wonder. "Our secret garden." Tottington says walking over to some benches and reveal the garden, a butterfly that had been flying around landing on her hand.

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