Chapter 3: Lottie And Totty 2

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Lottie turns back to her master as they continue to gush over the safe rabbits.

"What a fabulous job you've done. And not a single one harmed." Tottington said turning to Wallace with a curious look on her face.

Wallace let's out a nervous chuckle. "The old BV 6000 ma'am. Capable of 125 RPM. That's rabbits per minute." Wallace explains ringing out his hat, feeling nervous over seeing the beautiful red head.

Tottington's eyes sparkle, "How inspired! Mr...?"

"Oh, Wallace." He says practically sweating in his suit. Lottie turns to Gromit and holds her hand out for him to shake. Gromit eagerly shakes her paw before realizing he came off as too eager and quickly calmed himself shaking her hand slowly with a blush on his face.

"Mr. Wallace. Is this all of them?" Totty asked as she and Lottie went back to admiring the rabbits still floating around. Some happily waving at Lottie while the others enjoyed the pleasure of floating.

Wallace looks at Gromit who looks back at him, the two look down at the suction of the vacuum, "Just one left." Wallace said getting on one knee near the nozzle.

"Hoist her up, Gromit!" Wallace says cheerily.

Lottie having a good feeling about what was about to happen upon seeing Phillip sniff the nozzle raises a ear as Gromit moved the lever upward causing the nozzle to lift from the ground revealing Victor's body struggling to exit the nozzle.

Wallace noticing Victor quickly swipes his hand across his neck to tell Gromit to turn the machine off which Gromit does. Lottie snickers at the sight of Victor while Totty continues to admire their handiwork on the rabbits.

Victor lands butt first into the hole on the ground while Phillip eagerly licks his master's face.
Gromit and Phillip have a short staring contest before looking over at Lottie who was admiring the rabbits as they all gently landed on their feet. Both let out a low wistful sigh.

Tottington turns to Victor briefly, "Victor, stop fooling around in the dirt and have a look at this!" Victor stands up still covered in dirt and walks over to stand between Wallace and Tottington. "The ingenious Anti-Pesto have completely dealt with my rabbit problem. Isn't it marvelous?" She exclaims cooing at a rabbit.

Victor snaps out of his daze as a glare appears on his face as he looks to Wallace, "Marvelous? Marvelous? This confounded contraption virtually suffocated me! Besides, the job's only half done." He states getting in Wallace's face causing Gromit to sit up straight.

Lottie rolls her eyes and looks over at Gromit who also rolls his eyes with a nod as if to confirm something.

"How do you intend to finish these vermin off? Crush'em? Liquidize'em?"

Totty sighs a bit before giving an exasperated, "They're humane."

"Humane?" Victor shouts in disbelief. "Well, then perhaps they are humane enough to give me back my dignity." He gets into Wallace's face again to whisper, "I want... Toupee, please."

Wallace misunderstanding givs a bright but nervous smile, "Oh, Grand. We take check or cash!"

Victor glares at him, "Toupee, you idiot! My hair is in your machine!"

Wallace shakes his head a little, "Oh, No, it's only rabbits in there, The hare, I think you'll find, is a much larger mammal." Wallace corrects.

Victor having enough pushes Wallace out of the way, "Out of my way, fool." Victor grabs the first black thing similar to his toupee and turns to Tottington.

A black rabbit uncurls itself from its ball and waves at Lottie and the rabbits causing Lottie to place a paw over her mouth to stop from laughing and the other rabbits to wave goodbye.

"I'm sorry, my dear, but I refuse to suffer any further humiliation at the hands of these blundering nitwits." Victor says trying to keep his dignity as he turns around still not noticing the black rabbit on his head.

Gromit gives a small shake of his head as Phillip kisses Lottie's hand only for her to grab his nose and push him away.

"I therefore  bid you good day." Victor leaves as Lottie, the rabbits and Gromit wave goodbye to the rabbit on his head.

Tottington ignores Victor leaving and turns to Wallace, "Thank you for ridding me of a real problem, Mr. Wallace. Tell me, what exactly will you do with all these rabbits?" Tottington asks a bright but curious smile on her red lips.

Wallace exchanges a look with Gromit who raises his ears ever so slightly. "Trade secret." He says.

Totty looks back at the rabbits, "Yes. I'd be happy to let them roam free if it wasn't for the competition." Lottie gives a sad nod as she looks out at the slightly destroyed yard where the competition was to take place.

"But they do love their veg. It's in their little bunny natures, and you can't change that, can you?" Tottington continues as she and Lottie coo at the rabbits who some rub their cheeks against the barrier between them.

"No." Wallace trails off before looking at Gromit who admired Lottie from his place in his seat. "Or can you?" Wallace murmurs catching Gromit's attention as he raises his ears and nonexistent eyebrows, curious on what Wallace was up to.

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