Dog fight

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Lottie and Gromit drive the plane determined to save their masters. They both look up at the greenhouse where they can see another shadowy figure with Tottington and Were-Wallace.


"No! Victor! You don't understand. The hunt is off." Tottington said standing protectively in front of Were-Wallace. "It's... we made a terrible mistake." She tries to explain as Victor continues forward toward them.

"No. You commissioned me to rid you of Pesto, and that's just what I intend to do." Victor says pridefully before realizing what he said and covering his mouth.

Tottie raises her eyes brows in confusion, "Pesto?"


Lottie spots a tower that can get her the height they needed to reach the greenhouse or up higher overall. She determinedly drives the plane in that direction while Gromit looks behind them searching for Phillip.


"Why, you knew it was Wallace all along." Tottington says incredulously as she steps toward Victor angrily.

"Oh, all right!" Victor says stepping around Tottington, "So what if it is that Blithering idiot. No one will ever believe you!" He eyes Were-Wallace Menacingly.


Lottie and Gromit drive up the tower.


 "And if I can't have your money, I can still bag your Bunny and Phillip will still get to bed your mutt." Victor grunts with a smirk.

Tottington's eyes wide, "Lottie? WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY LOTTIE?!" She shrieks, she wouldn't let anyone get away with hurting her best friend.

Victor ignores her and points his gun at Were-Wallace.

Tottington thinking quickly looks around the green house frantically before spotting Lottie's pansy spray and spraying Victor's eyes with it.

She smiles proud of herself before turning to Were-Wallace, "Run, rabbit run!" She tells Were- Wallace as Victor wraiths in pain about his eyes.

Were-Wallace rushes off.


Lottie and Gromit crash through the top of the small tower and soar through the air.


Tottington gasps as Victor holds a pitchfork up at her, He uses the pitchfork to pin her hair to the watermelon behind her.

"I rather like your hair pinned back." He mocks before going after Were- Wallace.

"No, Victor, no! Stop! Please! Victor!" Tottington calls out as she tries to stand.


Victor makes it to the roof and sees Were- Wallace hopping from rooftop to rooftop. 

"You can hop, but you can't hide, Pesto." Victor calls out, not noticing Lottie and Gromit soaring through the sky behind him.

Lottie narrows her eyes in determination but is surprised when Gromit suddenly frantically taps her thigh and looking behind them.

She goes to look behind her but feels a bump shake her and Gromit's plane. She looks behind her and sees Phillip in his own plane giving her a evil flirtatious smirk. 

Phillip let's out a weird evil laugh while Gromit quickly turns to the front and tries to control their crashing plane.

Gromit and Lottie struggle not to Hit Victor and manage to dodge him but Phillip isn't so lucky and hits Victor's butt.

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