The Were-Rabbit

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"What on earth were you thinkin' of, lad?" Wallace asks as he rings out his sleeveless cardigan.

Gromit was driving with a frantic and worried expression on his face paying no mind to Wallace's rambles.

"Ruined a perfectly good piece of Fashionable knitwear, that did." Wallace said eyeing the now small sweater that Gromit had made for him.

Gromit eyes the setting sun in worry.

"To say nothing of a relationship with an important client." Wallace says turning to Gromit still wet.

Gromit finally looks ahead and notices the normal road was closed. "It's lucky for us her Ladyship was so understanding." Gromit gives a slight roll of his eyes and turns the truck to the forest path.

"Honestly, I don't know what's got into you lately." Wallace says as they drive along the bumpy road. "And slow down for pity's sake. You'll buckle me trunnions." Wallace says as Gromit steps on the gas eager to get Wallace home or somewhere far away before the transformation starts.

Gromit comes to a quick and sudden stop as a fallen over tree blocked their way.

"Don't worry. I'll see to this." Wallace says before stepping out the truck, "YOu stay here where you belong. In the doghouse." Wallace states bitterly as he walks over to the fallen tree.

Gromit eyes the setting sun in a frantic state.

"Right." Wallace says before attempting to lift the fallen tree. "It's heavier than it looks."

Gromit eyes the forest around them before seeing that the tree had been chewed through instead of falling down.

He looks in the side window and notices a figure pass by he jumps slightly in worry. He looks around cautiously before looking behind him.

A axe is then thrown into the fallen tree missing Wallace's head by a few inches.

Victor then roughly turns Wallace around and pokes his chest. "I know your little secret, Pesto." Victor says bitterly. "I know exactly what is going on."

"Your Lordship..." Wallace says in panic. "Oh yes. You think you can pilfer me and Phillip's fillies, don't you?" Victor says spitting on Wallace's face with each word.

Gromit tries to leave the truck but is surprised with Phillip jumps on the truck door, closing it, as he growls.

"You think you can con a innocent woman out of her fortune?" Victor asks causing Wallace to jump in surprise.  "Who, me?" He asks.

Victor presses his nose against Wallace's to intimidate him, "Well, I got here first! I've spent a long time reeling in those fluffy-headed bunny lovers. And I'm not about to let some puddle-headed peasant poach them from us."

Gromit looks hesitantly out the window where Phillip was. Phillip with a devious smirk shakes his head as if to tell Gromit not to try it.

"Comprenez?" Victor asks glaring darkly at Wallace.

"Oh, Oh right-o." Wallace says wiping the spit from his eyes and points nervously to the side. "I'll be off then. Ta-ta." Wallace starts to walk back to the van not noticing that the axe had caught his suspender strap to the fallen tree. 

Victor noticing this smirks, "You're not going anywhere, Pesto. " He says just as Wallace is thrown back into the trunk causing him to let out a pained, "Owe!"

"Not until I've taught you a jolly good lesson." Victor said hanging up his trench coat on the handle of the axe.

Phillip let's out devious pant before turning to Gromit who could only watch Wallace in worry, is paws clenched the steering wheel.

"Come on! Queensberry rules!" Victor said jumping back and forth with his fists at ready, "Put'em up, ya little pipsqueak."

Wallace terrified put his fist up and they begin shaking even more to his surprise.

"HAHAHA You're shaking!" Victor mocks in laughter.

Gromit watches before eyeing the full moon that shown over the forest as the clouds part. Gromit carefully reaches over to the passenger side and locks the door he then does the same to his side making Phillip, who was laughing at Wallace, look at him in confusion.

"Don't tell me you're a scaredy-cat as well as a scoundrel." Victor mocks as Wallace shakes more, "And don't think acting like a big girl's blouse will get you out of it." He doesn't take notice to Wallace's strange behavior.

"There's no mercy with Victor Quartermaine!" Victor says throwing a punch at Wallace who catches it, causing Phillip to let out a confused huh.

Victor struggles to get his fist free from Wallace's hand and is soon thrown at the truck's windshield causing Gromit to sink down a little.

Gromit turns to Wallace in alarm same as Victor whom was still on the hood of the truck.

Meanwhile Wallace was starting his transformation. Wallace looks at them in alarm before giant buckteeth appeared. "What the dickens?" Victor said shaking.

Wallace's hands begins to grow fur, "What on earth...?" Victor said as Gromit could only stare on in surprise.

Gromit sits back in his seat as Wallace continues to change.

Victor looks back at Gromit in shock to which Gromit shrugs as if to say, "What can you do?" Or "I'm just as surprised as you are."

Phillip quickly begins pulling at the door handle and begins scratching at the closed window making Gromit smirk mentally as he shakes his head mocking Phillip's earlier actions.

The three continue to watch Wallace transform in shock and fear.

As the shirt Wallace was wearing gets stretched the buttons fly off each one hitting Victor in the face.  Until the last thing that hits his face is Wallace's torn blue underwear.

Victor terrified pulls the underwear down slightly in fear, enough to show his terrified eyes.

Wallace now a full fledged were-rabbit turns to the truck and rips the last of his shirt off, and roars. Victor's and Gromit's eyes widen in fear and shock, as Victor's toupee went flying in the air at the intensity of the roar. Victor quickly catches it and holds it on his head to continue screaming. Even Gromit's brown ears went flying upward in surprise.

Wallace finishes his roar as Victor turns to Phillip slightly, "Phillip! Attack! Attack!" Phillip was struggling to get beneath the truck much to Gromit's amusement.

They both turn upon hearing the sound of the large fallen tree being picked up. Were- Wallace turns to them and chucks the tree in their direction causing Victor and Gromit to cover their eyes in fear of being crushed my a tree.

The tree luckily flies over the truck and Were-Wallace let's out a loud howl as he beats his chest. The rabbits hearing howl repeat the gesture until Wallace stops.

Wallace then slams his feet against the ground causing the truck to bounce and shake. Were- Wallace sniffs around before running off.

Gromit alarmed and worried for his masters sits up straight. Victor getting over his fear turns to Gromit with a evil smirk. Gromit not wanting to know what he's up to quickly starts the gas and rushes off after Wallace effectively causing Victor to fall off and go flying. 

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