Chapter 2

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Mama, Cora, and I woke up later than usual today. It's been two days since we moved into our new apartment. We've been settling into our new crib these past two days even though we barely have any furniture and the u-haul with our furniture has yet to arrive.

It wasn't until hours later when the guy with our u-haul to drop off our furniture had finally arrived. We go outside to the man with the u-haul and start bringing the furniture from the truck to the inside of our apartment. The driver was rude as hell. He didn't even bother to help us with our furniture, all he was doing was laying down in the driver seat of the truck with the seat refined, doing something on his phone. Us ladies unloaded our furniture into the house, starting with our boxes because they were the easiest to bring inside. Then we come to the realization that we had to carry our big ass furniture in, such as our couches, dressers, and beds.

"How the hell are we gonna bring all this shit in house by ourselves?" Cora asked.

"I don't know girl, it would be nice if that lazy ass u-haul driver would help us." I rolled my eyes.

"He needs to take some classes on how to be a man."

Mama, Cora, and I began to carry one of mama's nightstands into the house. It took us about a whole twenty minutes to carry the nightstand up the flight of stairs and into our apartment.

"Whew" I said exhaustedly, out of breath.

As we head back downstairs to get more furniture out the truck, I heard a familiar deep raspy voice call my name.


I turn around and see Dave walking towards me.

"Oh, hey Dave" I said nervously.

My heart instantly started racing as he kept getting closer and closer. I don't know why this stranger of a man has this effect on me this early on. I don't even know the man.

"Y'all bringin' in the furniture by y'all selves?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed as he took a quick glance at the u-haul driver with his feet propped up and seat reclined as he took a nap.

"We don't really have anyone to help us, and that lazy ass u-haul driver is no help at all"

Without hesitation, Dave walked over to the u-haul truck and bangs on the window of the front of the truck aggressively, Which caused the man to jump.

"Yo, you good?" Dave asked sarcastically.

"what are your talking about?" The driver responded.

"I know you see them struggling to bring their shit in the crib."

The driver ignored Dave and rolled his window back up and continued to fall back to sleep in the seat. I walk over to the truck to continue to attempt to bring our furniture upstairs but as I'm walking over to the truck Dave grabs my arm to stop me from walking.

"Nah, you can sit down. Tell your mother and best friend to sit too". He said.

His New York accent was hella strong, and his words sounded so smooth coming out of his mouth.

"Ayo Jason!" He yelled from across the distance to some tall dude smoking a blunt. Then the guy came walking over to us.

"This is Jason." Dave introduced him to me.

I wave hello to him, then he nods his head what's up.

"Come help me bring their furniture in" Dave said to Jason. He nodded and walked over to the u-haul truck and started unloading. I looked to the side of me and saw my mom and Cora walking towards me.

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