Chapter 3

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"Bitch I miss my man so much." Cora frowns, as she bites into her breakfast sandwich.

"I miss him too. Summer break is coming up soon, maybe he can come down to Harlem for the summer before we start college" I tell her, trying to comfort her.

"And I miss that dick too" She says as she looks to the ceiling reminiscing.

we both start busting out laughing.

"When's the last time you had some dick?" she asks me.

"It's been a while. The last time I had some was when Elijah came down to visit Memphis. Which was about 6 months ago"

"Girl you need some... Shit, I need some my damn self" she laughs.

"I want to find the right nigga first. I don't wanna just be fucking anyone. That's why I only been sleeping with Elijah every time he came down to Memphis, because I don't want my body count expanding"

Cora chuckles. "Girl you only have a body count of two. Most bitches your age triple that."

"But soul ties are very much real, and I'm not tryna have that type of issue."

"That's true." She nodded in agreement.

"That nigga Dave is supposed to be helping me paint my room tomorrow at 4." I tell her.

Cora jumps out of her seat hella fast "WHAT?! That nigga is so fucking fine"

"Calm down sis. He has a girlfriend"

"How do you know he has a girlfriend?"

"Because I saw them kissing"

"Did you invite him over to paint? Or did he volunteer to help you?"

"He volunteered"

"Bitch, he's into you... Trust me"

"He looks way older than me... I doubt it"

"Well, we'll see when he gets here" Cora says as she grabs her plate, and empty glass of orange juice to head into the kitchen to clean them.

The next day

I wait patiently for Dave to arrive to help me paint, I told him to be at my crib around 4 but he's 30 minutes late so I go into the coat closet to grab the paint and brushes to begin painting my room myself. I don't feel like waiting for him any longer.

Until I heard a knock at the door.

I go to the door nervously thinking it would be Dave at the door. And when I opened the door it sure was Him. Soon as I open it, my heart started racing fast, and butterflies entered my stomach.

"You ready shorty?" He asks with his deep, sexy, raspy voice.


"Sorry I'm late. I got caught up in something."

"It's fine."

"Hey Dave" Mama say's as she see's Dave walking into the apartment.

"Hey Ms.Fletcher" Dave greets her, leaning in to give her a hug.

"Mama, Dave offered to help me paint my room"

Mama looks at Dave with a big smile on her face. "Thank you so much Dave, That was nice of you"

I begin to lead Dave into my bedroom so we can begin painting. As we began to paint, the room is filled with awkward silence.

"Quiet ass" Dave mumbles under his breath.

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