Chapter 26

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Last night was crazy.

Today I woke up in total regret that I even went to the game with Elijah last night.

I still have love for him but I'm not in love with him like I am with Dave. I'm proud of him for making it to the NBA, but I'm not in the right head space to be with him right now. And I don't think I ever will. I know Dave is who I'm meant to be with. But I don't even know if that's what he wants.

I just wish he knew how to trust.

Yeah I admit I was wrong for going to that party, but at the end of the day he's not my dad and he can't tell me where to go and what to do. Plus, I never did anything for him not to trust me.

I think I just need time to focus on me, I haven't done that in a while.

When I got out of bed I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take my shower. I even did a face mask this morning, then after the face mask I wipe it off and apply my zit cream. After that, I go back in my room to get dressed. I threw on my pajamas, and I didn't even bother to do my hair and makeup, because I won't be leaving the house today. I don't have plans. Like usual.

I then checked my phone to check Poshmark. Only one person purchased a bag so far, which is not enough to start my hair business. But I made my Poshmark account yesterday, and I already have one buyer, so I guess I'm starting off on a good start.

As I get done, I make my way to the kitchen because I smelled mama's pancakes, and eggs.

"Mornin' mama." I say, walking to the kitchen barstool.

"Goodmorning sweetie." She smiles, handing me my plate.

I forgot what it felt like to be cooked for, when I lived with Dave I always did all the cooking. I didn't mind though, because he was bringing in all the money for the bills, and buying me whatever I wanted. The least I could do was cook and take care of him.

"I got my first sale on the Chanel bags." I tell her happily.

"Really? Already? Good job!" She sits beside me.

I notice mama is all dressed up this morning, she looks like she going somewhere but it's definitely not work dressed like that.

"You look pretty." I compliment. "Where you going?"

"I have a date."

"A date?" I ask in shock.

Mama hasn't been on a date since my dad died, which was seven years ago. I've been trying to get her to move on, and start seeing new men, but she never wanted to because the only man she wanted was my dad.

But a selfish drunk driver took him away from us.

"I met this guy at work." She smiles.

"Really? Is he cute? Do you like him?"

She blushes. "Yeah girl he fineee." She blushed hard causing me to laugh. "And Yes I really do."

"What's his name?"


"Where are y'all going?"

"He's picking me up in a hour, he's taking me on a boat ride."

"Aww sounds romantic. You finally starting to get your groove back." I cheese.

"Girl bye." She rolled her eyes jokingly.

As mama waits for him to pick her up, I finish eating my breakfast, then an hour later her date arrives at the front door.

"Enjoy your date mama!" I yell as she walks out the door.

I close the door behind her, then I feed Bella. As I fill her bowl with water, and her dog food, I put her down to eat. She wags her tail in excitement as she digs in.

When she gets done eating, I go back to my room and scroll through Instagram while Bella just chills with me in bed. I play with her for a while until I heard a knock at the door.

I wasn't expecting any company.

Bella follows me to the front door.

it's Dave.

My heart sanks as I stare at him until he says something.

"I'm here to pick up my daughter." He says.

"Your daughter? Nigga we don't got kids."

Dave steps inside without me inviting him in.

"Umm excuse you. Did I say come in?" I get smart.

He picks up Bella. "She's mine too."

"Give her back to me, you're not taking her."

"Calm down. I'll drop her back off in two day."

"Two days?!"

I can't believe we're about to argue over custody of a dog.

"Stop bein so fuckin stubborn all the time. We get to share her"

I roll my eyes. "Fine take her."

"I told you about rollin yo eyes at me!"

"I can roll my eyes as much as I want. You can leave now. Bye."

"Roll yo eyes at me again, and watch what happens"

"What're you gonna do? Fuck me again to teach me a lesson like you did last time?" I snicker. "You can't do that anymore, I'm not your girl remember?" I say sarcastically.

He stares at me up and down. 

"Stop playin with me Ramona. I'm bein deadass."

I hand him the dog bowl, and leash.

"And don't think I didn't know you was out with that Elijah nigga last night." He says as he takes the bowl and leash out my hand.

"Why does it matter? We're not together anymore."

"It doesn't matter. But I knew y'all was fuckin' this whole time. You got me out here lookin stupid."

"I have you out here lookin stupid?" I laugh. "No you sound stupid for even saying that."

"Ramona shut that shit up. What you gotta lie for? You fucked him last night the same way you was fuckin him when we were together."

"You sound so stupid! I only went out with him so I could get my mind off of you!"I blurt out.


"He tried to have sex with me but I pulled him off because I couldn't get you off my mind!"

I have no idea why I'm telling him all this. I sound so stupid trying to explain myself to him. We're not even together anymore, i shouldn't have to explain to him what really happend. He should've believed me the first time.

"Here you go lyin' again."

I ignore him, and go into the pantry to hand him her dog food. "You can leave now, I don't even know why I'm explaining myself to you."

He snatches the bag out of my hand. then makes his way out of the apartment.

"Don't be snatching shit!" I yell as he's already halfway down the hallway stairs.

I get an alert on my phone from Poshmark telling me two other people brought my Chanel bags. I already sold 3/8 bags. Even though I only sold three I have enough money to start buying the hair. I grab my laptop and order the hair, and wait for it to be shipped to my house.

I then get a text from mama with pics of her and Leon, showing me how her date is going so far. I love how she's all boo'ed up, she looks like she's out here livin' her best life. It's crazy how my mama is having a better summer than her teenage daughter.

I thought my summer would've been better than this.

All I've been doing this summer is go through relationship problems, and staying in the house all day.

Hopefully my life will turn around soon.

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