Chapter 5

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I woke up this morning to a text from Dave saying to call him. I'm not sure why, but I do as he says and begin to call and he picked up the phone immediately.

"morning shorty" He says with his sexy ass, deep, raspy voice.

"Goodmorning" I say in my sleepy voice, still half asleep.

"Let me drive you and Cora to school"

New York schools are totally different from schools in Memphis. In Memphis the schools had school busses, but here in Harlem we would have to take the public bus or train to get to school.

"It's fine Dave, we'll just take the train" I tell him. I appreciates his offer but I don't want to be a burden.

"Nah, I wasn't asking. I'm telling you I'm taking y'all. What time school start?"


"Be outside at 6:45."

"Damn. That's hella early. School doesn't start til 7:30."

"You must've forgot you live in New York now. Traffic crazy out here."

"Well okay, I'll see you soon."

"Ight." He said, hanging up the phone.

I hopped out of bed, and grabbed my robe that I had hanged up in my closet and I throw it on. Then I grab my phone, and my speaker, then made my way into the hall bathroom. I click the Spotify app on my phone and connect my phone to the bluetooth speaker and turn the volume up to the maximum. I let the music fill the room as I begin to brush my teeth and hop in the shower. After my shower, I walk back to my bedroom and get dressed. I decided to wear my jean skirt, and pink plaid tube top, then I slick back my hair and added extensions to make it longer, then I did my makeup, and added my jewelry.

By the time I was done getting ready it was 6:40. We have five more minutes until Dave picks us up, so walk into Cora's room to make sure shes ready to leave.

"You ready for the first day of school?" I asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be" She responded. "But I'm not ready to hop on that dirty ass train" she rolls her eyes.

"You don't. Dave is taking us to school today" I tell her, with a big ass smirk on my face.

"Bitch stop playin with me." Her eyes get wide.

"I'm being serious. He called me this morning and told me he was taking us."

"Girl, that man is really crushing on you hard as fuck"

I roll my eyes "sis, he has a girlfriend he ain't thinkin' bout me."

"Whatever you say." She rolled he eyes sarcastically.

I look at my phone to check the time and it's 6:45. "He should be outside now. Lets go"

Cora and I walk outside to hop in the car with Dave, but we see him sitting outside in front of his apartment complex steps smoking a blunt, so Cora and I walk over to him.

"Let me hit it." I said jokingly as I walk over to him.

"Nah. You ain't bout to be high while you in school." He said, taking another hit of his blunt.

"Boy, you not my daddy. Just let me hit it once"

Ever since I smoked for the first time with Dave 2 days ago I've been craving to get at least one more hit. I think I like the feeling of being high. He finally gives in and hands me the blunt. I took at least 4 hits instead of one.

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