Chapter 12

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I woke up this morning to Dave brushing his teeth on FaceTime. I sit up on the bed and put my arms in the air to do my morning stretch then I pick up the phone to get a better look at Dave.

"There she is! Goodmorning pretty." He said as he spits in the sink.

"Morning." I said tiredly.

"Look at that head!" He laughs, looking at my crazy bed head.

"Shut up." I giggle as I carry the phone and walk to the hall bathroom to take a shower.

"Bout to take a shower?" He asks.

"Yup." I say as I lock the bathroom door and put my phone on the counter. I step in the shower and close the curtains.

"Damn so you gon do me like that? Let me watch!"

I opened the shower curtain back up and quickly do a pose to tease him by closing the shower curtain back up.

He smacked his teeth. "Woooow so that's how it is?"

"No free promo." I joked, causing the both of us to laugh.

About 15 minutes later I step out the shower, wrap a towel around my body, and make my way to my room to get dressed, and do my hair and makeup.

"Let me see your outfit" He said as he watches me do my makeup.

"You'll see it when you come pick me up."

He smack his teeth.

"Fine, I'll let you see." I bring my phone to the bathroom, and prop the camera up so he can see the full outfit.

"I swear I got the baddest girl in the world."

"And I have the most handsomest man in the world."

He did a little smirk and continued getting ready for the day.

"It's 6:45, time to come pick us up." I said.

"On my way now."

As soon as I hear him knocking, I walk to the door trying not to wake up Rashaad who is sleeping peacefully on the couch.

"Mornin sexy." He smacks my ass, and pulls me close for a kiss.

"Ew" Cora says as she walks over to us ready to leave.

As we get outside Dave opens the car door for me, then walks over to the drivers seat to pull off. As soon as we pull up to school, Dave parks at the drop off zone so he wouldn't have to park his car completely to let us out.

"Cora you can go ahead in the building, I need to talk to ramona real quick." Dave says to Cora.

"Okay." She says as she hops outside to go into the school building.

"What do you need to talk about?" I ask, soon as Cora got out the car.

But before he answers he pulls off.

"What're doing? Why are you pulling off I need to go to school."

"You're ditching school today." He says as he turns out of the school zone.

"Where we goin?" I ask excitedly.


I roll my eyes. "Remember what happened the last time I went to work with you? You had me scared to death. I thought you killed someone."

Dave stays silent.

"Did you kill someone that night?" I ask.

"I told you not to worry bout all that." He gets frustrated.

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