Chapter 38

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"I'm so happy for y'all" Cora runs to me. "And I missed you so much." She says, tightly hugging me.

Since I told her Dave proposed, she wanted to come back down to new York to spend a couple days with me to celebrate, and of course she wanted to spend some time with Jason too.

"Thanks boo."I say, hugging her back.

"You have to tell me everything that happend, how did he propose?" She asks, rolling her suitcase outside the airport to my car.

"He took me to the woods."

"The woods?"

"Yes the woods, but it was so beautiful. It's a spot where only he knows about."

"Awww that sounds so romantic! I can't wait til Jason proposes to me." She pokes her lip out.

"Then he tried to distract me by making me look at a butterfly. Then when I turned back around to look at him, he was on one knee." I reminisce, helping her put her Luggage in the trunk of my car.

"I can't believe that my bestfriend is engaged! We've been dreaming about this day since we were young."

"I know right!" I squeal.

After we get all of Cora's luggage in the trunk, we get in the car. As soon I get in, I get a text from Dave.

He sends me a picture of himself at the gym, and texts me to tell me he's almost on the way home, I reply back and tell him we are too

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He sends me a picture of himself at the gym, and texts me to tell me he's almost on the way home, I reply back and tell him we are too.

"I can't wait to see y'alls new house." Cora says excitedly.

"You're gonna love it."

As I'm driving home we play some music until we pull up to the front gate of our community.

"Wow! you guys live in a gated community?" She looked amazed.

"Ever since our apartment got broken into I've been hella paranoid. Living in a gated community is the only thing that's gonna make me feel safe when Dave's not home."

Soon as the gate opens, Cora eyes light up as we pull up to our house.

"It doesn't even look like we're in New York anymore! It looks like we're in California!" Cora says, getting excited.

I laugh. "Dave said the same thing."

We park in the garage, and get out the car then I put the key through the door, and as soon as Cora walks in the house her eyes light up again. "Biiitttchhh, no way you live here!" She says excitedly, looking around.

I laugh at her reaction.

She tightly hugs me. "I'm so proud of you girl!"

"Thanks boo."

I lead her to the backyard so she can see the pool.

"I can't wait til the summer time, this is gonna be the party house." Cora says.

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