Chapter 11

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I woke up the morning exhausted! I only had a hour of sleep because I was up all night thinking about Dave and just to add to the dread of this day, I sit next to Poppy everyday in home room, and we have 3 classes together everyday. Hopefully it's not awkward between us, because last night at the party she caught an attitude with Cora, and I think she has a problem about me and Dave being together.

"Good morning Poppy" I smile as I put my books down on the desk beside her, and sit down.

"Hey girl!" She says looking up from her phone to look at me.

She seemed happy to see me, which is surprising.

"You look tired. Is everything okay?" She Asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just tired from the party last night." I respond.

"I heard you got into a fight before you left the party last night. What was that about?"

"Damn, word spreads around quickly around here." I sob. "Basically Dave's Ex girlfriend was mad about us being together, but Dave broke it up before we could even start fighting." I explain, making a long story short.

"Who's his ex girlfriend?"

"Do you know sofia?"

"Sofia???" She asks In disbelief. "That's his ex girlfriend?"

"Yeah. Why? Is there something I should know?"

"He never even claimed her. He used to dog the fuck out of her." She says as she looks down on her phone to respond to a text.

"What do you mean?"

"She would always go around saying that they date, but if you ask Dave if they were together he would always say no."


"She was in love with a nigga that didn't even claim her" she laughs.

Every time I'm with Dave it seems like he wants to be shown off by me. He went live on my Instagram, he showed up to parties with me, and he even kissed me at the party in public.


School was stressful today. The work in my classes were staring to get harder, Instead of straight A's I was staring to get B's and C's. I met Cora outside the parking lot so Dave can pick us up to drop us off at home. We get inside of Dave's car and wait for him to pull off.

"How was school?" Dave asks like he does everyday.

"Stressful" I said, reclining my seat back.

"Stick in there shorty, you graduate this month it's almost over. Whats your plans when you graduate?"

"I have no idea" I tell him, shaking my head.

"Well you need to start figuring it out now ma. you going to college?"

"Hell no"

"No? You have to do something Ramona."

"I know Dave. Please stop lecturing me all the time. I already hear my mama telling me this on a everyday basis" I roll my eyes at him. "And we already talked about how I don't need you acting like you're my father."

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