Chapter 43

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"Nigga, the baby isn't even born yet, why are you buying a potty?" I ask Dave, laughing as he's about to put a potty in the cart.

"The baby's gonna need a potty some day."

"Yeah, but in two more years from now." I laugh. "We can get him one when he needs it."

He laughs under his breath and puts the potty back on the shelf. Time has been flying and I'm already six months pregnant. A few weeks ago Dave and I found out that I'm pregnant with a little baby boy. We were so ecstatic!

"Do you see anything else we need before we leave the store?" I asked.

"Nah I don't think so."

"Okay, let's go then." I push the cart to the checkout aisle, and of course soon as we get there Dave grabs a whole bunch of chocolate, and bags of chips from the front of the aisle and puts it in the cart.

"I need these when I get the munchies."

"You don't need all that junk food though."

"You sayin that now, but watch when yo ass want a snack, don't come beggin me for mine."

I roll my eyes jokingly, and put everything that was in the cart to the register, and Dave helps.

"Yo eyes gonna get stuck in the back of yo head one day from all that rolling yo eyes shit."

"Boy shut up." I laugh.

After he pays, Dave pushes the cart back to where the rest of the carts are, then returns back to the register where I am, holding the bags in his hand. Then we leave out the exit door of Walmart, and we head to the car.

Dave opens my car door, throws the bags in the backseat, and makes his way to the drivers seat, then places his arms behind my seat, and looks back so he could reverse out the parking spot.

"You sure we got everything we need?" Dave asks, making his way to the highway.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure we did."

My phone begins to ring, and as I look at the caller ID it's Cora calling me.

"Hey girl." I answer the phone.

"Hey pooh!" She responds. "Soooo... we gotta talk about something."

"Oh shit, don't make me nervous. Is it good or bad news?"

"I don't know. It depends on how you take it."

"I'm listening... Spill the tea."

"So uhh... Where do I begin? So uh... basically Jason came down to D.C visit me a couple days ago."

Dave looks over at me and scrunches his face, ease dropping on our conversation. "Put her on speaker."

I put Cora on speaker to let Dave hear what she's about to say.

She continues talking. "So, we had sex of course, like we always do when we come visit each other."

"TMI Cora, TMI." I laugh.

"There's a reason why I'm telling you we had sex."

"Well, what's the reason?"

"I'm pregnant Ramona." She blurts out.

Dave and I stare at each other speechless.

"You're pr-pregnant?" I ask for clarification.

"Yes. Me and Jason are expecting a baby."

"Bitch stop playing with me. Are you serious?"

"Girl I'm so serious. I took a pregnancy test today."

"My nigga about to have a baby!" Dave Said, getting excited.

"Congratulations bitch! Are you happy?"

"Yes, I'm so happy, but Jason isn't."

Dave scrunches his face, and snatches the phone out my hand to speak to cora. "Why he ain't happy?"

"He wants me to get an abortion." She says nervously, with her voice shaking.


"He said he doesn't have time to take care of a baby because of that street shit, and we don't live in the same state."

"Nah he wrong for that. I'll talk to him." He says, handing me back my phone.

"Girl he's just talking out his ass, once he hears that baby's heartbeat for the first time he'll for sure change his mind." I try to cheer her up.

"I'm scared to death Ramona. I don't wanna be a single mom." She whines.

"Girl shut up. Don't even put that thought in your head. Even if you do decide to keep the baby I know Jason will still be by your side."

"I don't know Ramona, I never thought I would become a mother without a ring on my finger." She sniffles. "I'm still in school, and I don't have enough money for a baby! I can barely even keep up with my housing payments, and soon as I graduate I have to focus on paying my student loans and-"

"Cora. Calm down." I cut her off from talking. "Everything is gonna be fine, and if you need money, Dave and I got you."

"I don't wanna ask y'all for money, y'all are expecting a baby, and have so many good things going on in your life. I don't wanna be a burden."

"You'll never be a burden. Girl get excited! You're about to have a fucking baby! And we always wanted our kids to be around the same age. Our kids are gonna be best friends."

"That's crazy how I got pregnant by my bestfriends husbands bestfriend." She laughs.

I laugh too. "That's an even better reason to be excited to be having your baby."

"This is why I love you. You always make me feel better."

"That my job. I'll make sure Dave talks to Jason."

"Okay. Thanks girl, but Imma let y'all go now."


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