Chapter 36

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Soon as we landed in the Dominican Republic, and got to the hotel room, I immediately ran to the bed and threw my body on top of it.

"That flight was hella long." I whine, trying to keep my eyes from closing.

Dave uses one of those hotel carts to bring all of our luggage in the room so I get off the bed, and help him unload the bags, then after we get done he returned the cart back to the lobby while I order us some room service.

I look over the menu, and order some breakfast. I order some potatoes, eggs, bacon, grits, and orange juice for the both of us.

"After breakfast lets go to the beach." Dave suggest, walking back inside the hotel room from dropping the cart off.

"I'm exhausted." I exclaim. "I could use some more sleep before we leave."

"Nah shorty. We ain't come to Punta Cana for you to be sleep all day."

I let out a big yawn. "Fine."

"Get out of bed. It's time to get lit!" He says, doing his little dance, which caused me to laugh hysterically.

"You get on my nerves." I laugh, watching him dance.

He leans over the bed where I'm sitting to give me a kiss on my forehead, then he makes his way to the bathroom to start a shower.

"You not gon join me?" He asks from the bathroom.

I go inside the bathroom where he is, and undress my clothes to hop in the shower with him. Then after we got out the shower, and got dressed, we heard a knock at the door.

"It's room service." I say, looking through the peep hole of the hotel room door.

"Buenos dias!" The man delivering our room service says with a smile on his face, rolling the breakfast cart in our room.

"Buenos dias senor" Dave responds.

"Good morning, you can roll it over here." I tell him, showing him where to place the cart.

The man looks at me confused. So Dave translated what I said to him.

"puedes enrollarlo aquí"

The man nods, then opens the breakfast lids for us, and places everything from the cart to the table.

"Thank you." I smile.

"Gracias" Dave said.

"De nada." He responds, smiling.

Before he leaves out the room, Dave tips him.

Dave sits beside me at the table so we can eat together.

"So what're we gonna do when we get back to New York?" I ask, digging my fork into the plate of eggs.

"What you mean?" He asks.

"Do we have to move to another apartment?"

"Don't worry about it, I'll handle everything. All you have to do is focus on school, and your hair business while I handle this street shit."

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