Chapter 6

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As soon as I walked through the door of my apartment I get a text from poppy. Before I texted her back I had to check with mama to see if it was okay for me to go to the party, because I know Mama hates when I go to parties. So I make my way to the living room where she's sitting on the couch watching the news.

"Hey mama."

"Hey Ramona" She glances away from the tv to smile at me. "How was the first day of school? And where's Cora?"

"It was good I met a friend, Her names poppy, and Dave dropped Cora off at the library."

"Dave?" She asks with her eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, I forgot to tell you, Dave wants to pick us up and drop us off from school everyday"

"Aww that's so sweet of him... I think he likes you" Mama says with a smirk on her face.

I roll my eyes "He has a girlfriend mama"

"Mhm. " She hums sarcastically and then turns back around to continue watching tv.

"Mama I came in here to ask you if I can go to a party tonight"

"Party? You know how I feel about you going to parties Ramona."

"But mamaaaa" I whine "I'm the new girl, and I don't know nobody at school, I just wanna meet new people"

"Girl you're about to graduate. You don't have time to worry about meeting new people, you just need to worry about what college you wanna go to."

"I am a mama. But that doesn't mean I don't need to have a social life as well."

Mama thinks for a minute, Which leaves us in silence. "Fine" she says giving in.

"Thanks mama" I smile, walking over to hug her out of excitement.

"But..." mama says.

Shit. Every time mama says "but" I know it's about to be some shit.

I huff. "What mama?"

"Only if Dave goes with you"

"What? Why mama?"

"I want you to be safe, I trust Dave... His demeanor seems protective. I like how he is there for us."

"How do you trust him when you barely even know him?" I pout.

"I don't know, it's the way he carries himself. He seems trustworthy." She explains.

"I'm gonna be safe mama! Cora is going to be there with me."

"I said what I said Ramona. Either Dave goes with y'all or y'all don't go to the party at all"

I roll my eyes and storm into my room and slam the door behind me.

"Don't be slammin' no doors around my house!" Mama yells.

I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling in frustration. But I really want to go to this party so I put my ego to the side to pick up my phone to dial Dave.

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