Twenty One

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I was lying on my bed, scrolling through twitter as I had just unpacked. My mom and dad were away on some business trip and Ryan was with his friends so I was home alone. I had brushed my teeth, did my makeup and got changed into a white Bardot crop top with my grey leggings and my Nike janoskis.

Suddenly I heard the doorbell ring. I stuffed my phone in my pocket before walking downstairs to answer the door. I opened the door to reveal Ashton, leaning against the door frame. He was dressed in a white shirt, dark grey flannel, black skinny jeans and black combat boots. He also had on a black bandana. He held a bouquet of white roses.

He smiled politely and asked, "your parents aren't home are they?"

"No," I smiled, "they're away on a business trip until sunday night so I'm home alone for a few days since we're off school tomorrow."

"Good," he chuckled. His hazel eyes met mine as he asked, "Rachel Fox, will you go on a date with me?"

"So original," I sarcastically rolled my eyes as he chuckled. I smirked, "Did you really think that it would be that easy?"

"Yeah," he giggled.

"Too bad," I grinned, "Try again."

I closed the door. Through the frosted glass of the door, I saw him moving around. The doorbell rang again and I opened the door.

He had set the bouquet down beside my door on the porch. He said, "We're going on a date, right now."

"Better... But-" he cut me off mid sentence.

"It wasn't a question," he grinned, "I'm telling you. We're going on a date."

He took my hand in his and dragged me out the door. I closed it. He led me to his car. The whole journey contained singing -he was very good-, dancing and his hand on my thigh as he told me how beautiful I looked.

I have to admit, the dominant side of Ashton makes me utterly weak.

We were passing school when he looked out the window. His eyebrows furrowed and his hand came off my thigh as he put his indicator on. we were waiting for a break in the traffic to go into the school when I asked, "Why are we going here?"

He looked utterly confused. He turned into the school, heading for the pitches around the back. He said, "There's a bunch of lads in the pitches. I think it's the football team."

"We can't go up there," I exclaimed, "someone will see us."

"Um," he paused to think, "What if you go up and start just casually talking to them and then I come up and ask you what you were all doing?"

"Or I could sit in the car," I giggled.

"Okay," he chuckled. He pulled up at the edge of the pitches. He said, "You might want to duck slightly."

He got out. I sunk into my seat so I wasn't visible but I could still see them. It was Calum, Michael, Luke, Ryan and all their friend group.

Ashton walked over and he looked pretty stern and serious. His facial expression soon softened and he walked back to the car smiling.

He got in and I asked, "What was all that about?"

"Ugh," he started the car and began driving down the narrow road, "They have a game in like an hour and they want to practise." He turned to face me. He placed his hand on my thigh and lightly squeezed it reassuringly, "You'll come with me, won't you? You can just sit at the side with me. What do you say?"

"You'll have to persuade me a bit more," I smirked.

"Come with me as I coach my team and we can go back to mine after," he said in a seductively low voice.

I smirked at him and asked, "So where are we going now?"

"Dinner," he smiled, "don't get too excited. It's just this old diner that me and my Gran used to go to."

"But Ash," I groaned, "I've ate in a diner for the past few days!"

"You'll like this one," he smirked as he chuckled to himself.

I leaned over and turned the radio on. Ashton changed it to some CD he had in the player. The 1975 - sex, started playing loudly. Ashton chuckled, "That's a bit of a coincidence."

We both burst out laughing. He began singing 'yeah my shirt looks so good, when it's just hanging off your back'. His voice was so sweet and angelic but at the same time, it was low and masculine. He was really good.

I joined in singing. He smiled at me as I began. Soon we were both jamming out, head banging and him drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.

Hey guys!
Thank you so much for reading. This is just the beginning.

I love Rachel and Ashton but could you guys come up with a good ship name? The most obvious one is 'Rashton' but it doesn't sound too cute.

Anyway, how are you liking it? Comment little ideas for what you think should happen.

I hate the way Ashton, Michael, Calum and Luke aren't 5 seconds of summer in this. The band isn't in it and I can't really put it in, can I? Like who is in a band with their teacher?

Thank you so much for reason again guys. Keep voting and tell people about it please?

I love you all!

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