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IV. Homecoming (2)
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I look back watching her lips curl into a grin, she speeds up faster. I'll tell you what that girl has always had a need for speed.

We speed into the garage jamming out to Katy Perry. I grumble as I'm pulled back to reality as the girls are fighting.

"Hey, girls can you stop fighting," I ask hoping they calm the hell down my head is banging.

"Sorry auntie, Jules," They both say sincerely, I was shocked. They're always so sweet, well to me at least.

"Auntie can you help me" Arabelle scrambles to get unbuckled. She starts crying, whispering something crazy.

"Aw Arabelle hold on sweetie" I chip with a light smile which causes her to stop crying.

Great job Julia, best aunt there is. I hop out of the car seeing as Aubrey already ran into the house, I follow around the side of the car and open the door. She's still fumbling, I lift her out of her seat and she wraps her tiny little arms around my neck. Drew comes out in a Southside leather jacket, he must've grabbed from Alias's giant collection of assorted colors.

"Drew a little help here" I beg lightly praying he'll grab my carry-on bag. I giggle as he strolls over giving me a soft kiss as Arabelle gags with a yuck face.

"Anything you need my love" He whispers huskily like a slightly tamed beast, mmm that's my beast.

"Thanks, babe, I'm going to take Arabelle inside to play" I chuck the thoughts away and take care of this little princess in my grip. He kisses me again, I kiss back and I walk in with Drew following suit.

"Julia the woman of the hour" I hear Effie and Genesis practically scream as Arabelle jumps down running away to the other kids to let E and G bear hug me. Before I could reply I'm hugged by more people.

"U-uh guys I-I can't b-breathe" I stutter in shock as 4 people pull away. It's Effie, Genesis, Miles, and Noah. How did Miles and Noah jump in without me knowing, am I losing it, probably I mean I am talking and answering myself. Crazy crazy crazy Julia stop it, okay stopping.

"We missed our Degrassi queen" They muster up before speaking again. God can't get a word in edgewise, crazy friends.

"So my love, you were a queen in high school" Drew murmurs from behind me as he sneaks up and hugs me from behind.

Everyone starts hounding Drew about my Degrassi high days and how wild I was, but all I could think about is if Kurt followed me. I need a drink, I slip out of Drew's grip and run for a drink. As I'm running, well actually quickly walking into the kitchen I grab the oldest richest bourbon I could find as I hum to a melody stuck in my head. I'll buy her some more "Angel's Envy" I guess never heard of it but I swing some back, well holy shit I've had plenty of bourbons but this ones so good. I walk out back and lay against the bench chugging more.

"You should lay up on the bourbon" An intense voice whisper's from behind me. I think he's a pervert, to be honest.

"Oh s-shut up" I bubble back to press in the bourbon to care.

"That's not very nice of you, Madam Degrassi" He bites through his teeth.

How does he know that? Unless it's Kurt, oh my god. I jump up spinning around catching whiplash and everything goes blurry. I feel like I'm falling but someone catches me. It's Kurt, of course, I should've known, too scared to blink my eyes open I do it anyways.

"I swear to god Kurt get off of me" I hammer nearly nailing his head off.

"I'm not Kurt darlin'" He preaches back through grinding his teeth.

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