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II. He's back (2)
• • •

As tears wave down my face I quickly grab my phone calling Amelia.

"Hey, Jules how's college treating my best friend" Amelia starts excitedly. If she only knew how this wasn't exciting.

"I'm coming home," I say through tears and a slight hiccup.

"Why what's wrong," she asks worriedly.

"He found me" I exclaim while getting snot on my cashmere sweater.

"He, as in Kurt?" As she says his name memory's come flooding back.

"Y-yes him" I hiccup and swallowing down the thump that I didn't even know was forming.

"Is Julian coming to?" She speaks through teeth, she's pissed.

"Y-yes he w-won't let m-me travel a-alone" I whimper, I curse myself for being so stupid.

"Jules calm down please your stuttering," She says much calmer but I can still hear the rage boiling.

"O-okay we are on the next flight home" I sigh just trying to simmer my stutter.

"Once I drop the girls off at school I'll go pick up Alias and come pick you guys up" I can hear a tinge of excitement in her voice it's been almost 3 years since I and Julian went to college in California.

"Okay love you" I hang up and text Drew, as fast as my tiny fingers can.

I quickly text "hey drew can we meet up and talk" I hope he replies. Ugh, I hope he's not mad about our date, it's not my fault it's all because of Kurt.

Buzz. It draws oh my god, "it's been 4 days" he texted and he didn't say 'love' he's mad. Like really really mad, screw those I'm calling him.

"Come over please, I can explain?" I beg, hopefully, he agrees.

I'm dressed completely different than my usual style.
I'm wearing my hunting shirt, camouflage shorts, slippers, and my baby deer stuffy animal, my dad gave me. My hair is a nappy mess tangled in my glasses.

I can't believe I invited him over, after what happened these few days.
*knock* *knock*
I run to open the door to see Drew looking hot as ever. He takes one look at me and just picks me up hugging me so tight.

"Thank fucking god your okay" He exclaims, he pulls back and takes in my outfit he looks at me confused.

"Wait are you sick love?" He asks then before he jumps to any more questions I speak up.

"N-no I'm n-not sick, I'm j-just I-I c-can't" I stutter out trying to explain and can't find the words.

"Shhhh slow down love, breathe" he whispers in my ear, holding me close.

I take a deep breathe as he said and begin,
"I'm sorry it's just my ex showed up, that night then he kind of kidnapped me" I mutter out fast, hoping he hears me but doesn't hear me.

"What did he do" he growls, slightly scaring me. I pull back and his eyes soften.

"I'm sorry love," he says with a smile and rubs my back. I start crying once I tell him everything that has to do with Kurt.

"If I ever see him I'll-" He's fuming with rage, but before he starts screaming I look up at him through tears.

"Drew there's more" I begin as I wipe the tears he's observing my next answer.

"I'm moving home, that's why I called you to come over this might be a goodbye-" before I can finish the cuts me off by saying,

"Moving? Goodbyes? Your leaving because he found you" he asks then realizing the answer he just stares at me.

"That's why I moved so far away from home, Drew?" I gulp down a thump that's been forming since he got here.

"I'm not saying goodbye, I'll come with you my love," He says not giving up, which is why I would love for him to move back with me and Juley but can't blame a girl for dreaming.

"You can't you have the university, Drew, and don't you dare give up on being the hottest English professor I know" I rant with a slight giggle hoping to lighten the mood.

"I can switch, I don't want to be a professor if my favorite student isn't taking my class," he says seriously but with those soft eyes, he always shows me when I'm scared.

"As a girl who knows what it's like to give up your dream, don't put me in that position" I grunt back through teeth.

"I'm not taking no for an answer, so when are we flying back" he chuckles with the 'I'm a serious professor' look.

"Tomorrow," I say quietly. Secretly cursing myself for allowing this.

"That's perfect," he says as he plants a kiss on my forehead and wraps his arms around me.

"You're not staying for long, you have to hold down the fort here. I'll be back" I quickly say before straddling him and smashing my lips onto his so he couldn't answer.

When we part he stares into my soul with those big blue-grey eyes.

I grind on his lap and nibble on his bottom lip. He parts his lips slightly so our tongues could touch and I feel the warmth vibrating through my whole body.

"I need you Drew" I moan needing a release from all the crying, pain, and suffering/suffocating I endured this week.

"Tonight we just are us, no sex needed" he whispers before pulling me closer in a tighter yet gentle grip. I nuzzle my head into his neck and he covers us up with my comforter. He makes me feel something different, something Kurt never made me feel.

• Friday 6 am •

"Goodmorning love" I know that voice, it's Drew.
I open my eyes and roll over to the bed being empty I automatically sit up and panic.

"Drew?" I shout, scared that something or someone got him while I was asleep.

"I'm making breakfast love" he yells back, a sigh escapes my lips as soon as he walks in with a tray.
With french toast, eggs, bacon, yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, and a large orange juice.

"How did you know I love orange juice" I hum waiting for his genius comeback.

"I didn't know but I would hope so since it was in your fridge" he chuckles innocently and shrugs. I giggle before taking a big gulp of OJ.

"What time do we have to be at the airport love?" he asks as he feeds me a strawberry, juice drips down the side of my mouth and he wipes it away with his thumb.

"8 am, Juley said," I say as I watch Drew throw on some clothes and sit back down. I wondering what he's doing.

"He's taking Kelly?" we both hysterically laugh at the thought of her crazy ass in Toronto when she's a California girl.

Once we finish eating I clean up and come back to start packing. About half an hour later I'm all packed and got everything in Drew's car. I throw on my black ripped jeans, my black lace string tie graphic top, red southside serpents leather jacket, and strappy black heels. Add some jewelry and finally after debating hair up or down I leave it down. Lock my place up and head over to Drew's place. I make sure he packed just enough of his things for a few days.

I check my phone, realizing it's 7:30 am we make our way to the airport and meet up with Julian.


Word Count 1268

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