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XIV. "Grandma's Steak Stir-Fry Gone Wrong"
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*Late Saturday Night*

"Nipote" Father calls Cristopher over to teach him how to play chess. Not really sure he understands it all but he seems to be pretty good at it.

Mother, auntie, uncle, Julian, Genesis and Ezekiel continue conversing about their plans as Reagan, Chuckie, Rebel and Tempest chill in the living room of an airbnb. We decided to get one for the rest of the family, since me and Ezekiel need some space to talk about a lot. Mainly because I got a call from Clarity saying from all the fighting and abuse my uterus is fatal, that means I may never have another child. If he chooses to stay with me he'll only have one heir to the throne, his father would have a field day knowing his legacy would end up in the hands of his own sons 'bastard child', that's what he would call Cristopher if he knew.

I push back the thoughts of our future and pay attention to the stir-fry, i've already chopped up the peppers and the steaks which are grilling in the skillet right now. I glance over towards the white rice cooking making sure it doesn't over boil. I watch my father try to teach chess to Cristopher even though he knows Cris is so young he'll probably not fully understand.

"Mama when will dinner be ready" Cris whines as he tugs on the bottom of my dress.

"In a little bit, why don't you grab a few chips to snack on until it's ready" I giggle as I flush his hair.

He eyes grow bigger as he runs to the chips grabbing a small bag and sitting on a lounge chair in the kitchen. I turn on cartoon network before giving him the remote to choose whatever he wants. Cris sits the remote back down and gets lost in the trance of cartoons.

"Angel Cake did you have Reagan grab some cigars and my favorite scotch" Father question as he waltz into the kitchen allowing all the spices to hit him in one sniff.

"Yeah in that cabinet to your left in the safe-the code is my birthday" I giggle as I whisper the last part so Chuckie and Reagan can't over hear me.

"Thanks, uh me and Ezekiel are going out on the balcony—Hey Ezekiel come outside with me son" Father chuckles to himself before dragging my poor helpless Ezekiel while stuffing mouth with one of his smelly ass cigars.

Those to idiots, such a pair. I think to myself as I pass on the cooking to Auntie Teagan to watch over.
I walk to the bathroom shutting and closing the door behind me quickly before resighting a spell that only last until I end it, hopefully.

"ut omne os aurem et ego veni necesse est audire solarium" I chant quietly while I splash some water on my face.

I look in the body mirror finally taking in my appearance since I gotten dressed. I'm wearing a strappy crisscross in the back silky green calf length wrap to the side dress with a slit on the right side. I through on some random clear and silver heels with the some silver hoops to match. My hair is straight as can be and to top it all off I'm still wearing Ezekiel's necklace he gave me. Also green is his favorite color wink wink.

 Also green is his favorite color wink wink

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