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XII. "Power Puff Wiccans"
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"WAKE UP" I hear a woman's voice scream before I'm awakened by a loud crashing noise causing my ears to ring and when I open my eyes theres dust all around me.

I admittedly start coughing trying to see where I am.. Holy shit, it can't be.....

"Rebel" I shout with tears pouring down my face.

"You guys aren't safe, you need to protect Reagan at all costs, you and her are the only ones strong enough" She echos.

I rub my head hoping to catch my balance so I can get up off the ground and walk towards her.

"Strong enough for what, Rebel?" I barely say, with confusion.

"Strong enough to find all of us, save us" her melodic voice springs to light.

"Where are you" I cry out trying to reach for her hands.

"Julia you have everything you need, open your eyes" She cheers with her soft smile peeking through.

"Open my eyes to what" I scream tears still caked on my face.

I try to wipe away my tears before beginning to blink them away. I open my eyes and I'm surrounded by darkness, alone.

"Rebel please...where are you" I scream on the top of my lungs.

"Open your eyes" Rebels voice rings in my ears causing me to drop to my knees holding my head in my hands.

"Open your eyes" I hear Ezekiel say before I jump out of my skin and wake up to him holding me.

I'm shivering yet sweating to death while bawling my eyes out gripping his shirt in my tiny fist.

"Darlin' ye okay, I got ye just breathe please" His calming voice soothes my pain within seconds.

"I-I.. Rebel said... she-she... d-d-disappeared" I stutter out still holding him tight not letting him move.

"Look at me" His stern voice comes out and I take no time looking straight into his orbs.

I loosen my grip and uncurl my fists so my hands are laying on his chest. Without warning I can feel his energy run through my hands.

"Ezekiel" I pull my hands back and push him away bringing my knees to my chest and start rocking back and forth.

He jumps back with wide eyes to scared to look me in the face, thinking my reaction was from his presence.

"Darlin' what's wrong" Ezekiel says through puffy eyes as he sits down on the end of the bed.

"I... I could feel your energy flow through my hands" I start to cry again.

"Darlin' stop crying it's okay, I'm okay, ye okay" He moves closer with his hand out hoping I'll take it.

"I-I'm scared Ezekiel I didn't even know I was a witch let alone had all these 'great powers' until a few days ago" I grab his hand and lay my head in his neck while he holds me close not leaving any room for me to pull away again.

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