
17 1 7

V. Mysterious, Ezekiel
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"Darlin' it's time to get up" I hear a familiar voice hover over my face.

"Ezekiel" I choke out.

"Darlin' are you okay" He rubs my face as I open my eyes.

"W-Where are we," I ask scared to death.

"Darlin' I took you home" He sighs noticing my fear.

"Home, your home" I question as I grab his face to make him look at me.

"Yes Darlin' you were sleeping so well I didn't want to wake you, plus I was hoping I wouldn't have to let you go" He takes a shallow breath after saying what's been bothering him.

"Oh Ezekiel, I'm with Drew now" I say hoping I didn't hurt his feelings and whatever is going on between us.

"Darlin' I know, I met him last night he seems like a good guy and everything but-" He stops and trails off as he kisses my forehead.

"-But he's not you" I finish peering up at him through tears.

"Darlin' don't cry this will all be over soon" He hushes me and rubs my back.

Once my sobbing stops I look around at his bedroom. His room is decorated like a king's chamber, so elegant, so blue, purple, and gold trimmings. It's like a dream, I never knew how powerful his father really was, I mean I knew his father was the emperor of Windsor Castle, but it seems more like his father is the king of England. I look around some more to find my clothes and my heels sitting neatly folded. I look down looking at what I'm wearing. A slightly tight sheer satin black nightie with lace-up bows on each side of my hips.

"Oh my god what time is it" I mutter to myself only to hear an abrupt knock on the chamber door.

"Excuse me your majesty, our king is awaiting your presence in the royal room" A maid of some sorts chippers, practically drooling over Ezekiel.

"Of course" He grumbles under his breath.

"I'll be going, your majesty" She winks at him, waves as she turns around and leaves.

"What time is it 'your majesty'" I hiss angrily realizing he's been lying to me all along, like if his family is so powerful how could he still let Kurt hurt me.

"It's 5 past 9 darlin'" He speaks with his morning voice.

"I should be going" I say while quickly jumping up out of his lap, slipping out of the nightie and throwing on my outfit from yesterday.

Walk of shame here I come.

"Darlin' let my chauffeur drive you back, that's the least I can do" He speaks as he spins me around to facing him while he holds me close.

"Fine" I mockingly shoot back.

I slither my arms around his neck while also pulling my right leg up. He grips my thigh letting out a deep growl. Then out of nowhere I'm against his wall, the only thing holding me up is his body pressed against mine. I wrap both legs around his waist, he slaps my thigh and bites my neck. I pull at his hair letting him take control and kiss him. Within seconds we both lean away taking a breath.

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