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VII. Team Kurt?
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The next day I wake up alone in bed wearing the same clothes from last night, almost like I never changed, ugh I should've known better. I shake my thoughts away before checking my phone and opening Ezekiel's text first. 'Call me when you wake up :)' he said around 11 am, I quickly scramble to shut my door and lock it before calling him.

"Darlin' you know it's 1 in the afternoon" He grumbles as if he just woke up himself.

"I know Ezekiel I just woke up and I'm guessing so did you" I hum as I lay back down.

"I'd lie and say I've been awake but I'm not fully awake to properly lie" He chuckles through a cough.

"A-Are you s-sick Ezekiel" I question worriedly.

"N-Yeah Darlin' I had a rough night, the king had me up late in the throne room" He mutters.

"That's what happens when your next in line to reign as king Ezekiel, what's going to happen when you become king" I whisper out.

"A lot will change but Darlin' nothing will happen to us if everything works out we'll still be together" He sighs through his tired voice.

"O-okay, do you want me to meet you somewhere to take care of you" I sit up asking and kind of hoping he says yes because I miss him.

"Your majesty the king has prepared the engagement-' tell the king I'll be down right away" I hear the same maiden speak from the morning I slept over, talking before Ezekiel cuts her off, causing me to become suspicious.

"Engagement, Ezekiel what's going on," I say without a stutter to scared that he will lie.

"Nothing Darlin' meet me at the hotel around 7:30" He hinders, waiting for my response.

"Okay see you then" Before he gets a word in I hang up.

I fall back and just lay down staring at the ceiling to engrossed in my own thoughts I hear a hard knock.

"I'm going to the gym are you up," Amelia says.

"Uh yeah hold up I'll meet you downstairs I'm getting dressed now" I shout as I hear her walk away.

I grab my maroon shirt on with my spandex leggings and my nikes. Run downstairs into the kitchen picking up the kale smoothie Amelia left me, I know kale? Right just disgusting but every year around this time Amelia eats only healthy foods. I think she's nuts but not my problem that's all Alias, as I come back to reality I run to the hallway mirror quickly throwing my hair up in a messy bun, making my way to Amelia's car. I hop in the passenger's seat as the garage door flies open she speeds off.


Amelia leaves for work as I hop down the steps looking to see who's still around, without a doubt, Clementine is writing her novel in the living room. I shrug over to her giving her a quick scare she jumps out of her skin. I let out a quirky laugh seeing her face at this moment.

"God damnit Julia you scared the life out of me" She stammers.

"I'm sorry babes you know I had to" I tease.

"Well since your the only babe here we are going shopping" she sing-songs while holding my palms tightly.

"So what are you waiting for let's go" I cry in sing-song pulling her outside and into the car.

Not even ten minutes and we are already pulling into the lot and skipping up to the elevator. I giggle in my head thinking 'we are actual kids'. We ride the elevator until we are out of the lot and walk into Dollskill running to each of our sections.

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