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III. Homecoming (1)
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I check my phone, realizing it's 7:30 am we make our way to the airport and meet up with Julian...

Once we get to the airport, we ask a nice looking lady for directions to the waiting area for Flight 182. She looks at Drew with lustful eyes, batting her lashes at him, before her gaze lands on me. Her face twists into this sour look like she's just taken a bite of some spoiled fruit. That skank I know damn well she ain't looking at me some type of way.

Just as I'm about to flip out on her ass I automatically see Julian and a girl who looks like Kelly. He can't take Kelly because Genesis is still is in love with him and I know he is too. Even though it's been 3 years Amelia says Genesis never moved on from my brother. With that said he's just using Kelly, she's an okay person but she's nothing like my girl Genesis. When Juley sees I'm with Drew, his eyes start fuming.

I feel Drew grip my waist and hold me closer causing me to smile. I giggle at the thought of us being in my hometown, but I shake my head of the idea as we walk over to Juley and Kelly. Kelly looks at me and gives me the biggest hug.

"Guess who's coming" she fake asks, already knowing the answer. I let her wait in anticipation even though all I want to do is scream, 'not you!' But decide to keep my trap shut for now.

"Who," I ask loudly and sarcastically. After a few seconds, I hear Drew scuff a chuckle between kissing my cheek.

"Duh, me" she mutters out trying to lighten up the mood. Someone should pimp slap her as ray says, I still can't believe he got killed in a shoot-out shake my head.

"Obviously" I murmur under my breath slightly annoyed by her ambushing our flight home.

"Calm down girl, I'm only joking I'm already failing, I can't afford to miss anymore days" She giggles, as if that's anything to be proud of. I mentally roll my eyes as she stares Julian up and down.

"Andrew my man" Juley laughs through teeth, I watch his fake rage face stagger off, and his smile pop out. I hope they get along because this is a long flight home for exactly 5 hours.

"Hey, Julian" Drew smugly states back, shaking his hand with his smile pearling through.

"Flight 182 now boarding" a lady screeches through the loudspeakers.

"That's our flight" Juley rumbles grabbing his bags and walking towards our flight sign-in.

Drew grabs my waist and kisses me passionately. I let myself lose control for a moment and wrap my arms around his neck. I never thought I'd be sucking face with my hot English professor.

"The last call for Flight 182" the same lady from before annoyingly ruins our moment. Of course, that skank can probably see us.

"We better start boarding love" Drew says before kissing my forehead and taking a deep breath. He grabs his bags and mine while I strut ahead a little way to hand in our tickets.

Once we board, put our bags up, and sit down Drew puts his arm around my shoulders. I snuggle up in his neck as he throws a blanket on me that I didn't even notice he had. I slip away into a soft sleep.

• 5 hours later •

"It's time to wake up love" Drew hums while stroking my head, I groan and try to roll over but get stuck. The plane holy shit,

"Fuck I fell asleep on the plane" I scream in my head only to realize I'm screaming out loud. Fuck.

"Shhhh love, it's time to meet your friends" Drew says excitedly, I can't tell if he's being sarcastic or not but he sure looks hot as hell.

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