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XIII. "The Powers Within"
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"Julia hurry he's in here" Rebels cries echo through the halls as I follow her into a dungeon look alike room.

"Rebel he's not breathing" Teagan screams eyes full of tears.

"Move I got it" I say without even realizing I'm talking.

"Julia" Teagan turns to see me swiftly pacing past her to get to Tempest.

"How long has he been down" I check to see how deep he's been hit.

"Maybe 3 minutes if that" Teagan cries more as Rebel holds her.

"Stop crying and take my hands" I bark at my aunt and cousin without thinking to be considerate.

"Repeat after me, As the day becomes night nobody should bare the pain in sight our powers within become one as we save the life we see in all our might" I start chanting.

"As the day becomes night nobody should bare the pain in sight our powers within become one as we save the life we see in all our might" We all say in unison as we hold hands over Tempest.

I watch as a wind picks up creating a Triquetra around us. I don't even know how I know that spell. He's not waking up, maybe we need to say it in latin?

"Resight in Latin to complete the spell" I scream so they can hear over the wind blowing around us.

"Fitque ut ante noctem dolor nemo portabat in unum viribus cunctis viribus videmus ut salvaret" The wind picks up sending a chill down my spin before it disappears as quickly as it appeared.

Tempest starts shaking, then he stops and he opens his eyes. He looks around and his eyes automatically land on me, he's staring through me as if I'm a ghost.

"Tempest" Auntie Teagan and cousin Rebel cry flinging their arms around him.

I look down at my feet, fiddling with my hands feeling out of place. I have no idea how I knew what spell to use and what to do. Everything is getting so weird and uncomfortable. I mean it's been years of course things would be different I just wish I could've prepared myself before hand. I just hope once we-well I bring them back we can all pick up where we left off and begin our future as the Dior/extended family. I want that for them and for me and if that's selfish then I guess that's me. Selfish little Julia Dior.

"Uh- who is that" Tempest speaks up still staring at me like I'm someone he doesn't even know. Which I mean he doesn't know me, I don't know him or them anymore we've all changed.

Teagan wipes her tears and clears her throat to speak, "You don't remember your own cousin" Rebel giggles through a hiccup.

"J-Julia" He chokes out slightly confused.

I sigh "Yes Tempest it's me" I walk towards him giving him a giant hug.

"How are you here- where's Julian" His eyes are filled with joy as his arms around me tighten.

"He's in Canada" I sigh again.

"Where's mom and dad" I pull away taking a seat on the cot Tempest is now sitting up on.

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