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XV. "How To Kill Your Ex- NOT"
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I yawn real big before opening my eyes seeing where I'm at, to my surprise I'm home well-my hospital room. 'What the hell happened last night?'

"Nothing really just the drunk evil dominate and vindictive Julia that comes out to play when she tries to hold everything in" Ezekiel ponders as he sits a breakfast tray on my lap, seeing as it's probably around 1 or 2 in the afternoon I imagine he's been waiting around for me to wake up.

"You could tell all that from some silly shot game" I start laughing just as I get this huge throbbing in my temples, I start rubbing my head vigorously.

"No I could tell that all from what you said last night" His voice cuts through my headache causing my heart to ache without caution.

"I-I can't remember what all I said" I mumble watching him toss me a big bottle of advil 800mg.

"Now eat your breakfast it's the cure to any hangover" He smirks although there's this look in his eyes that's screaming, begging me to remember so we can talk about it already, I take 4 advil's swallowing them.

"What'd you do put bourbon in my coffee" I jokingly laugh as I take a sip realizing that's exactly what he did.

"Now that's future husband material right there" I look deep into his eyes before letting his love consume me into kissing him.

He moved the tray off my lap as he rips off the covers leaving me in my slutty black lace bra and thong. I see he didn't take the time to change me before going to sleep, mhm I bet all night he wanted to get inside of me but couldn't because I was passed out drunk. Poor baby. I wrap my legs around his torso pulling him down on me, a small gasp of curiosity left his baby soft lips. I got him where I want him, here we go sweet fantasy revenge baby. Ezekiel recovers quickly and growls before licking my neck and giving me those tiny kisses that cause my body to arouse. I use all my strength to flip us so he's on the bottom now, he tries to get back on top but I'm already holding his hands above his head.

I know he can easily just lift me without breaking a sweat but I also know he likes to play when I'm in control too. I pull out his member only using one hand before slapping my heat with it. I can tell he's in joying it by the fact that he's biting his lip in anticipation. I fake a light moan to tease him as I remove my thong and grinding my wetness on his shaft. He lets out a husky groan as he ties to control himself. I continue grinding into him. As if he did it on purpose trying to get a grip of himself he slips his member in causing me to take it all. My body reacts without command and it sends some kind of arousal signal and I moan so loud I swear other residents probably heard me.

He smirks making this tiny little piece of my sanity fly out the window. I lose my mind. I slap him across the face before bouncing and moaning like I'm some kind of bdsm pornstar. It doesn't stop him though he starts moving with me in sync and I can't control myself from stopping and going down hard and slow. Letting him feel every inch of my heat. He doesn't know how to react he just looks at me with confusion and his dominating eyes trying to compel me into submission. As if I'd ever that that happen, so I reverse cowgirl on that shit and 'started popping that pussy for a real one' Lol no but seriously I go crazy I turn into some kind of control freak dominatrix.

By now Ive calmed down a little since he kind of snapped into his inner dom needing to be the boss of me. He's on top of me legs on his shoulders as he uses fast, hard strokes. His right hand is covering my mouth while his left hand is pulling my hair, I bite his finger before sucking on it making him stop with one last deep stroke and starts kissing my neck. Ezekiel leaves kisses from my ear down to my thigh, I can feel the blood rushing to my face.

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