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VI. Agony Or Irony?
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Beep beep
I'm awoken by my phone buzzing on the nightstand, realizing where I am I quickly check the time and huff seeing as it's already 9 pm. I look down at the missed calls, messages from Drew, Amelia, Effie, and Julian. I open Juleys text first,

Juley: what time will you be home Amelia's cooking?
Juley: Jules you okay?
6:30 pm
Juley: Jules where are you?
7:35 pm
Juley: if Kurt did something you better tell me right now.
Juley: for fuck's sake it's been 3 hours where the hell are you?

Missed calls (185)
Juley: 58
Amelia: 40
Drew: 75
Effie: 12

I scramble to call Julian as fast as I can, ugh please pick up.

"Jules I swear to god you better be lying dead in a ditch somewhere and this is your spirit, so help me god" He shouts through the phone so angrily, so loud I can barely hear now.

"Juley stop. I'm fine I'm actually with someone right now" I trail off hoping he catches on.

"With someone as in Kurt," He belches out.

"No, I'm with Ezekiel..." I whisper only to hear a heavy sigh in return, here goes another lecture.

"Ezekiel, He's alive" He sounds confused as if I'm lying.

"Yes, you know how his family was-is 'rich' well his father is the king of Scotland that's why he left" I hum.

"Oh my god, okay well what do you mean your with him," He asks even though he probably already knows the answer.

"As in I'm currently wearing his shirt sitting on the hotel room patio on the phone with you while he's still asleep" I let out a weak sigh finishing up my explanation.

"Wait what about Drew, you guys are dating and when did Ezekiel get back" He's starting to sound like our dad when he spoke like what he was saying was wise.

"Oh for fuck's sake I don't know but I'm going to wake Ezekiel up and I'll be on my way home" I plunder as he's still mirroring questions.

"Tell Ezekiel to come in when you get here, I'll worry about anything that's said when you to arrive together" He states before saying goodbye.

"Be safe I love you, Jules, see you soon" He chirps before hanging up.

I fumble to walk over to the bed and sit on Ezekiel's lap while he's still asleep. I stare at him for a good minute just taking in his every feature from his nose ring to his full lips before I realize what I'm doing I'm already laid on top of him still straddling him. I take his large hand in mine tracing his tattoos, then gazing at his rings.

"Ezekiel, wake up" I cry, and without a second chance to speak, he's already wide awake holding me.

"What's the wrong darlin'" He hums rubbing my back and shushing me.

"We have to go Julian wants to see you and Amelia is making a family dinner" I shyly say as I hide my face in his chest.

"Well come on darlin' I'm going to need my shirt back" He harshly says causing me to take his shirt off and throwing it at his chest.

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