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IX. "Tachdadh air ìnean meirgeach, Dominus" (1)
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"Darlin' wake up, Dollface come on" I mumble cupping her face with my hands, her face is so soft just like butter.

"I-I'm up" She stutters, seeing as she's still a little tired, I let her be.

"Darlin' we're here" I cheerfully gloat causing her to take a deep breath.

She looks around taking everything in. The whole half club half garage thing we got going on here. I look at her face light up when she sees her favorite bourbon, 1972 Ridgemont Reserve. I chuckle to myself as she quietly gets excited but, hey that's my darlin'. I watch her finish looking around before focusing on one of the garage guys towering over this tiny girl. Poor girl really, I get the whole Dom empowerment but I would never stand over Julia as if I was better then her. Sure I'm the dominant and she's my sub, my little but honestly, I never worshipped or cherished a girl let alone a fully grown lady- as much as I do, her.

"I'll be right back Ezekiel" She glimmers as she plants a kiss on my right cheek and leaving before I could protest.

I chuckle as I hear my phone ring I quickly pick up.

"Ezekiel Cristopher Faustus, where the fuck are you" Malcolm Reeve Faustus the 4th rather known as 'thy king' or 'thy father' screams into my phone.

"What's wrong your majesty," I say with a hint of loathing.

"You witless fool, Ezekiel you know we had a coinneamh" He growls through spit.

"Father, tha mi a 'dèanamh cinnteach gun coinnich mi ris an Duitseach nuair a thig mi dhachaigh" I growl back testing his power.

"amadan gluttonous bheir thu nàire don teaghlach seo agus do na Faustus gu lèir às ar dèidh ma sgaoileas tu fon chuideam" And with that, he hangs up on me.

I shove my phone back in my pocket, hustling towards the bar for a nice drink.

"Hey Jimmy get me my usual 2 scotch and single malt" I bark as poor Jimmy scurries away.

Within minutes he makes his way back over to me handing me my drink, suspicious enough. I down it all in one gulp. He gawks at me as my eyebrow furrows up questionly, he quickly returns back to bartending. I chuckle seeing how scared he is of me Not too long after everyone starts interrogating my integrity, my 'legendary legacy'. I ignore their questions as I examine the crowd trying to find Julia.

I'm pulled away from my search when I see Dominus pull Julia away from the frail little girl behind her, without missing a beat he hits Julia with a heavy metal pipe before swiftly throwing her over his shoulder.

"JULIA" I hear the tiny girl scream, I jog over to her checking she's okay.

"I'll find you darlin'" I scream back before her eyes close immediately creating a horrifically painful tightness to form in my chest like someone just hit me with a train.

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*Thursday at The Castle

"Rìgh sir, we still haven't found Dominus" I hear Willie announce as Rupert and Angus close the doors of the throne room.

"Willie I will not accept that you haven't found the reincarnation of Lucifer, keep searching and  leave my sight at once" I shout slightly losing my temper.

"Zeke a mhuc ceann amadan, a bheil thu fhathast air do chuid a lorg Lass" Murtagh happily barrages through the doors and throws his arms around me.

"Athair-athar tha thu air tighinn dhachaigh mu dheireadh" I preach as I hug him back.

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