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XI. "Half A Happy Family"
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*Late Thursday Night

"Stop it, stop Chuckie" I cry out in a fit of laughter as he tickles me harder.

"Aww come on lass" He stops and looks at me with a puppy dog face.

"Chuckie that face doesn't work on me" I giggle lightly, still trying to catch my breathe.

"O beag lass na rudan a tha mi airson a dhèanamh dhut" Chuckie murmurs as he stares at me, walking dangerously close to me.

I abruptly stop in my tracks and push Chuckie into a random hallway at the mall. He looks down at me with his eyes fixated on mine and before I realize how close we are he puts his hands on my waist. I look down at his hands then back up meeting his gaze.

"What did you say" I lean up towards his ear whispering allowing my soft lips to linger.

He looks down finally taking in my outfit and his eyes twinkle as he sees I'm curvy. I automatically pull away hiding my body under the oversized jean jacket with my head down. Before I know it Chuckie moves closer and to my surprise he pulls me into a tight hug. Without hesitation I hug him back letting his warmth surround me.

"An nighean as brèagha a choinnich mi a-riamh" He says ponderously.

"Chuckie what did you say" I sigh looking up into his green and hazel swirly orbs.

"Aye' lass I said ye are the most beautiful lass I've ever seen" He sighs while cupping my cheek with his rough hand.

We stare intensely as we stand in the small hallway as other shoppers continuously walk past. My cheeks burn up in embarrassment once I notice I just ran my hand through his hair. I quickly look away trying to hide the blushing. He chuckles then wraps his arm around my shoulder as we proceed to walk through the mall together.

"I'm going in here, I'll be right back" I say only to be stopped in my tracks by Chuckie.

"Sorry lass but I'm coming with ye" He grumbles looking down at me.

"Fine but you have to help me decide" I giggle skipping away from his grasp.

He follows me into 'Mary Mary's' and flops down on a leather couch leaning back with his hands on his knees letting his fingers tap away to the beat of the background music. I giggle to myself as I watch him waiting contently, almost peacefully.

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*2 hours later*

I come out of the brightly lit colored dressing room in fishnet stockings, thigh high silky black boots, a slimming black skirt, black bra under a black sheer star covered tank top and a purple plaid cropped dress shirt. Not to forget a belt with chain and some bracelets, two chokers and a lose chain necklace that reads 'army'.

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