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I. He's back (1)
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*Thursday unknown time*

As tears wave down my face I quickly grab my phone calling Amelia.

"Hey, Jules how's college treating my best friend" Amelia starts excitedly. If she only knew how this wasn't exciting.

"I'm coming home," I say through tears and a slight hiccup.

"Why what's wrong," she asks worriedly.

"He found me" I exclaim while getting snot on my cashmere sweater.

"He, as in Kurt?" As she says his name memory's come flooding back.

"Y-yes him" I hiccup and swallowing down the thump that I didn't even know was forming.

• 5ive days earlier •

I groan and look over to my clock ugh, I lay back down only to realize I'm going to be late for morning English. I quickly jump up falling on the floor in the process, I quietly curse myself as I jump into the shower. I lose myself in the shower as the water hits my revealed skin, I grab my face wash and moisturize my already soft baby-like skin. Rub in some shampoo then conditioner. While I rinse it off fast, I soon begin to scrub my body as the loofah rubs against the scars I cringe and wash it all off. Shut the steaming water off, grab my towel and run to my closet grabbing the closest black crop top with a matching plaid skirt following my black chunky heel boots. Once I throw my outfit on I brush my hair into a side braid and put on my leather black belt. Following my glasses. I grab my phone and check the time once again it's 10 am, I repeatedly pull the rubber band on my wrist so it smacks my skin to keep my thoughts in check, I let out a heavy sigh and grab my bag slamming the door behind me.

Only mins later I reach my class just in time to run in and sit next to Kelly and Julian.

"You know your 30 minutes late" Julian chuckles through a smug grin.

"She's just lucky professor Andrew didn't catch her for another one-on-one detention" Kelly giggles only to receive a strong glare from my brother. I show a cheeky smile to their 'love-hate' kind of love.

"Good morning class" Professor Drew strolls in winking at me. I blush in reply catching glares from Juley, I shake my head.

"I hope everyone still has their copy of  "without a doubt" on hands" Drew knowingly asks. We all grab our books and open to chapter 56.

• a couple of hours later •

Everyone already left biology/chemistry class, I stayed to finish my assignment. My thoughts drift off to Drew, I wish I could get the courage to say yes. He's asked me on about a million dates but I always get chicken and stutter up some incoherent lies. Ugh, I snap the rubber band and finish my sentence with a period. I close the packet and turn it into Professor Cameron, he gives me a tired smile and I return the smile and walk out the doors.

As I round the corner Juley calls, "Hey Jules you up for a party at Luke's" he asks to pretend to sound less drunk but I know he's trashed, I laugh it off.

"Yeah no Juley I'm tired and I have a big pre-final tomorrow, I have to study," I say with a soft sigh.

"It's okay Jules Mules we will have fun without you" he sticks his tongue out.

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