「 xᴠɪɪ / dreams are beautiful 'till they come true 」

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as a kid

i was in love with the stars 

and i still am

always drawn to the intangible

like everything evaporates

when i see it clear


don't hold my hand

i don't want you

to end up a distant,

dusting dream


we only come 

to feel the void in our veins

after we let their opposite in

i know you know


don't look me in the eyes

i know what yours harbor

i'd rather have it

never be.

it hurts more to remember

to remember 

to remember a heart that could have been.


let me spend the night with my faithful demons

let me know solace

in those voices

they won't walk away.


i know if they did

i'd miss them.

i know i'd feel that room

that room they left

that room you'll come to fill back up

and that room will start it

all over again.

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