Wiggling Pockets

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    "What's in yer pocket?" the man asked. 

    "Some wadded up tissues," Quan said plainly, pulling the tip of the tissue out of his pocket.

    He pointedly shoved it back in and smacked his pocket. 

    "I swear I saw it moving," the man observed. 

    "Probably because I was movin' around." He shrugged. "Anyway, I'll tag yer chap and haul his ass over here pronto. See ya soon."

    Quan hopped into his vessel and quickly zipped up into the sky. Once he broke atmosphere, he punched in the coordinates and started autopilot. 

    "Look, wiggle worm. Ye could've caused some shit back there." he huffed, prying the human out of his pocket. The tissue fell out of his pocket too and drifted to the vessel's floor. 

    "I'm sorry! I was uncomfortable!" she complained. 

    "Ye would've been a lot more uncomfortable if he would've found out about ye," he snapped, "Ye lil feckers are illegal. Tiny fiends."

    "I'm not a tiny fiend," she pouted. 

    He scoffed. "Yes, ye are. Ye lil fucks breed, and then conquer civilizations." 

    "I won't!" she wailed. 

    "Quit whining. Yer still m'lil human." he cooed, "But others still want ye extinct, so others can't know ye exist. And when a human-sized lump in m'pocket starts wiggling, then they start t'suspect an existence of something human." 

    "I'm sorrrrry!" she whined.

    "I know ye are, so I'll lay off," he gently ruffled up her short hair, "I just worry about ye. Ye're m'lil Tin. I can't imagine losin' ye."

    Tin opened her arms. Quan drew her to his chest, and she clutched onto his shirt. 

    "Ye're cute, but ye're na' gettin' out o' school time," he said, prodding her backside. 

    "Meanie!" she complained.

    "I know ye mean that rudely, but I strive t'be a mean, ol' ornery bastard."

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