Little Man-Big Girl

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Note: I've made so much fluff with grumpy, giant men entertaining happy, human girls, so I went flippity flopped it: grumpy, human man entertaining happy, giant girl.

    "There's not a chance in hell I'm putting on that goddamn doll dress," the human man huffed.

    "Please?" the giant girl begged.

    "Fuck no. I'm not some doll." the man growled.

    The little girl, even if she wasn't so little, hung her head down and frowned.


    "I hope you're fuckin' happy. The stupid seam in the back is itchy." he grumbled, scratching at the back of the pink, frilly, doll dress.

    "Very." The little girl grinned. "Thank you, Hank!" 

    He pursed his lips. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever, Leisel."

    She was still all smiles as she picked up another doll and pushed Hank over to it.

    "Hi Ms. Buttercup! Will you come to tea with me?" Leisel, acting as the doll, asked Hank.

    Hank glared at the girl but eventually relented. "Sure."

    "You have to make a voice," she pressed.

    He scoffed. "What?"

    "You don't have a girl voice because you're a guy, so you have to do a girl voice," she insisted.

    "Why can't I do a guy voice?" he countered.

    "You're wearing Ms. Buttercup's clothes, and Ms. Buttercup has a girl voice," she said matter-of-factly.

    "Then can I wear my clothes?" he countered.

    "No, you're playing Ms. Buttercup," she informed him.

    "Why can't I play myself?" he challenged.

    "Because I want you to play Ms. Buttercup," she said.

    He sighed, straightening up his dress. "Can't argue with that logic."

Giant (G/T) One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now