Part 20 : Misunderstandings

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After buying everything I needed, I went back to my car in the parking lot. I kept all my shopping bags in the back seat. It's almost dinner time and I felt really hungry. There was a restaurant just beside the mall so I decided to go there.

Just when I was about to step inside, something caught my eye. I saw two very familiar faces sitting together through the glass entrance of the restaurant. Prithvi and Anya were having dinner together, smiling at each other.

How is this possible? Anya said she had some work then what is she doing here with Prithvi? Even if there were change of plans, why didn't she tell me about it?

I felt extremely furious on seeing them together. Anya and Prithvi both are really close to me and I can't believe they're hiding things from me. I decided against going into the restaurant and creating a drama there. I went back to my car and sat inside.

I grabbed my phone from the pocket and dialled Anya's number. I want to know if she lies to me now.

"Hey Shubman" she answered the call.

"Hey Anya, what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing" she replied.

"Where are you? If you're at home, I can come to meet you" I said.

"I'm sorry Shubman. I told you I've some work so I'm still at my office" she lied.

Why is she lying to me?

"Can I come to meet you there?" I asked.

"Noo!" she reacted almost screaming.

"Woah what happened?" I asked hearing her react like this.

"Uh.. actually I'm really busy and I won't be able to meet you so don't bother yourself" she said quite hesitantly.

"As you say" I replied. "I'll talk to you later then" I said and hung up immediately without waiting for her reply. I couldn't bear her lies anymore.

What could possibly be the reason behind her hiding things from me? Are Prithvi and Anya-? No! That's not possible. I'm pretty sure of it but I still feel so betrayed because of her. She decided to meet him instead of me. My heart ached thinking about it.

I drove to the outskirts, near the sunset point although it was night already. I wanted to be alone, far from everyone else. I got out of the car and laid on it's bonnet.

Anya was the one person amongst the very few I thought who'll never hurt me. But, I was wrong. She's just the same, she crushed my heart too. Even though we don't have feelings for each other, we're about to get married and it rips your heart when your partner lies to you. I felt a sharp pain in my chest because of what I saw today. Tears formed in my eyes when I recalled our conversation over phone where she lied to me. What's the difference between Anya and Siya then? I'm again at the receiving end of a heartbreak.

I didn't want to think over it so I grabbed a beer bottle from my car's trunk. I usually never drink, it's been a long time since I had beer. I'm not an alcoholic but I need it really bad right now. I had the entire bottle in a single go and after few minutes I started feeling dizzy and I dozed off there itself.


"I hope you didn't face any problem while coming here" Prithvi said once I reached the restaurant.

"I've been to this place before so I didn't" I told him.

"Did you tell Shubman?" He asked.

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