Ayah 6

86 13 2

Wannajmu washshajaru yasjudaan

وَٱلنَّجْمُ وَٱلشَّجَرُ يَسْجُدَانِ

Word By Word:

wa: and

najm: herbs/stars

wa: and

al-shajar: the tree

yasjudaan: both prostrate


And the herbs and the trees- both(alike) prostrate in adoration.

Ayah Tafseer:

And the herbs

Najm may mean stars collectively or herbs collectively, perhaps both meanings are implied

and the trees- both bow in adoration

That is, the stars of the heavens and the trees of the earth, all are subject to Allah's command and obedient to His law. They cannot exceed the rule that has been set for them. What is meant to be impressed in these two verses is that the whole system of the universe has been created by Allah and is functioning in His obedience. Nothing from the earth to the heavens is independent, nor functioning under another's godhead, nor has anyone any share in God's kingdom, nor has anyone the position that it should be made a deity. All are servants and slaves: the Master is One Almighty Lord alone. Hence, Tauheed alone is the truth which is being taught by this Qur'an. Apart from this, any one who is involved in polytheism and denial of God is, in fact, at war with the whole system of the universe.

Source: Yusuf Ali Translations and Notes

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