Ayah 10

71 12 0

Wal arda wada'ahaa lilanaam

وَٱلْأَرْضَ وَضَعَهَا لِلْأَنَامِ

Word By Word:

wa: and

al-arda: The Earth

wa'ad ahaa: HE Laid it

li: for

al-anaam: The creatures


 He Who has spread out the earth for (HIS) creatures:

Ayah Tafseer:

How can Allah's favours be counted? Look at the earth alone. Life and the conditions here are mutually balanced for Allah's creatures. The vegetable world produces fruit of various kinds and corn or grain of various kinds for human food. The grain harvest yields with it fodder for animals in the shape of leaves and straw, as well as food for men in the shape of grain. The plants not only supply food but sweet-smelling herbs and flowers. Rayhan is the sweet basil, but is here used in the generic sense, for agreeable produce in the vegetable world, to match the useful produce already mentioned.

Source: Yusuf Ali Translations and Notes

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