Ayah 70

18 3 0

Feehinna khairaatun hisaan

فِيهِنَّ خَيْرَاتٌ حِسَانٌ

Word By Word:

Feehinna: In them

khairaatun: (are) good

hisaan: and beautiful ones


In them will be fair (Companions), good, beautiful;-

Ayah Tafseer:

Therein will be Khayrat Hisan;

meaning, there are various types of good and delightful things in these two gardens in Paradise, according to Qatadah.

It was also said that Khayrat is plural of Khayrah and it is a righteous, well-mannered, beautiful woman, according to the majority of scholars, and it is also reported from Umm Salamah as a Hadith from the Prophet.

There is another Hadith saying that Al-Hur Al-Ayn will sing,

"We are Al-Khayrat Al-Hisan, we were created for honorable husbands."

Source: Yusuf Ali Translations and Ibn Kathir Tafseer

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