Ayah 72

19 3 0

Hoorum maqsooraatun fil khiyaam

حُورٌ مَقْصُورَاتٌ فِي الْخِيَامِ

Word By Word:

Hoorum: Fair ones

maqsooraatun: restrained

fi: in

al khiyaam: the pavilions


Companions restrained (as to their glances), in (goodly) pavilions;-

Ayah Tafseer:

The pavilions probably will be similar to those pitched for the nobles and rich people in the public parks. Most probably the wives of the dwellers of Paradise will live with them in their palaces, and in their parks there will be tents pitched here and there in which there will be the hoors to entertain them. Our this presumption is based on this that in the foregoing verses beautiful and chaste wives have been mentioned; now, here, mention of the hoors signifies that they will be a different kind of women from the wives. This presumption is further strengthened by the Hadith which Umm Salamah has reported. She says: I asked: O messenger of Allah, who are better, the women of the world or the hoors. The Prophet replied (peace be upon him), the women of the world are superior to the hoors in the same way as the outer layer of a garment is superior to its lining. I asked: On what grounds? He replied: On the ground that the women have offered their Prayers, observed their Fasts, and performed other devotions. (Tabarani). This shows that the wives of the dwellers of Paradise will be the women who affirmed the faith in the world and left the world while they practiced good and right. They will enter Paradise in consequence of their faith and good deeds, and will deserve the blessings of Paradise on merit. They would either become the wives of their previous husbands of their own free will and choice if they (the previous husbands) too happened to be dwellers of Paradise. Otherwise, Allah will wed them to some other dweller of Paradise, if the two would like to live together as husband and wife. As for the hoors, they will not be entitled to dwell in Paradise as a result of any righteous deed of their own, but Allah will create them as young, beautiful women and bestow them also as a blessing among the other blessings on the dwellers of Paradise so that they may enjoy their companionship. But they will not in any case be creatures of the kind of the jinn and fairies, for man cannot cohabit with a kind other than his own. Therefore, most probably these would be those innocent girls who died immature and Allah will recreate them as young and beautiful women.

Source: Yusuf Ali Translations and Tafheemul Quran by by Abul A'la Maududi 

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