Vocabulary part 4

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Broach- Introduce, Raise, Bringup

note: ipakilala, ipakita, itaas 

Cajole- to do something, Entice

note: akitin, mapapayag

Charter- constitution

note: naririnig ko to sa mga Laws

Clemency- Mercy, Kindness

note: awa, kabutihan

Consort- Companion , Mate

note: example mag-asawa 

Debacle - Disaster, Mess

note: gulo, kabiguaan

Dumbfounded- shocked

note: Amaze

Erroneous- Wrong

Extol- to Praise highly, Exalt, Celebrate

note: parang pagbibigay pugay, binibigyang halaga

Felicitous- well suited

note: umayon sa pinili

Flout- Break, Disobey

note: hindi pagayon o pagsunod

Gawk- Stare Foolishly

note: tinging nakakaloko

Haggle- Bargain

note: to deal

Harangue- Scolding, Long verbal attack

note: halimbawa homile sa simbahan

Hoard- Stockpile, Stock

note: supply, reserve, cache

Hunky-Dory - Satisfactory, fine, going well

note: maayos, ayos lang

Illicit- not legally Authorized

note: for short illegal

Inhabit - Occupied

note: tirahan example sa mga hayop

Niggling - Trivial, irritate, worry, annoy

Reverberate- to continue in series of repeating sound

note: best example is echo

Sententious- Moralistic

Sobriety - Seriousness, the state of being sober 

note: sober ibig sabihin di nakainom ng alak

Subsist- live

note: survive, exist

Succumb- Die, to yield to disease

-give way surrender

note: to die tas pwede din pagsuko

Tiresome - Exhaustive

note: pagod, nakakapagod

Vehement- Strongly Emotional, passionate, Powerful

note: basta strong sya

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