General Info (Philippine Clean water Act)

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Chapter 2

Republic Act 9275

Philippine Clean Water Act

- march 22, 2004 signed by Pres Gloria Arroyo

-took effect May 6, 2004

-Implement rules and regulation contained in DENR 

Institutional Mechanism

- DENR primary agency responsible for implementation of CWA (Clean water ACt)

EMB 2016-  designated 31 water quality management area all over the country.

Volumetric rate of Discharge (Heavy Metals 8,000-16,000)

Philippine Coast Guard - responsible for marine waters

DPWH (Department of Public Works and Highways)- Sewerage and Sanitation facilities (for safe collection, treatment and disposal)

Department of Agriculture - Develop Guidelines for re-use waste water for irrigation purposes

BFAR (Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources)- Prevent water pollution of fisheries and aquatic resources.

Department of health - For drinking water quality

DOST(Department of Science and Technology)- Prevention of pollution and cleaner production technology

Violations of Provision

-fine by secretary

10,000-200,000 for everyday violation

-increase to 10% every two years to compensate for inflation

Failure to Undertake Clean up Operations

imprisonment 2 to 4 years

fine 50,000 to 100,000 per day violation

Water Contamination

6 to 12 years imprisonment

500,000 fine

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