General Info (Random)

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Just and Favorable working fair remuneration for equal works

Not Biofuel - bunker Fuel

Judge elmo - issued warrant in makati trial court to Trillianes

7.5 mm -15mm- yellow rainfall

ASEAN- Association of southeast asian nation

Britney Spears- most research in internet

Ombudsman and his deputies - Appoint by the president

Family- Foundation of Nation

Ground of impeachment - culpable violation

Elective officials- 3 years

Sole judge- Supreme court

if theres any vacancy in the office of vice pres - Majority of votes needed

Forbidden to hold any other offices - mayor and vice mayor

President- 90 days from his assumption and reassumption of office

President - not allowed to make appointment 2 months (basta pag may nakita ka about sa appointment ito yung possible answer)

Congress- may evokes Presidents proclamation of martial law

except cases of impeachment president may grant reprieves communication

President - may contact foreign loans in Monetary board

International Agreement - Two third of votes

Congress- have the power to define prescribe jurisdiction

Provide Final Judgement - not power of supreme court

member of supreme court- Minimum of 40 yrs old

Judicial And Bar council

-Chief Justices, Secretary Justices, and 5 Recomending Appointees

70 years old- retirement of judicial judge and members

CSC - One chairman and 2 commisioner

chairman - 7 years

minimum age in cs - 35 years old

Lost Election candidate shall be in office of the government (1 year after)

commissioner in commission on election - 7 years

Commission on audit- 1 chairman and 2 commissioners

elective local officials- 3 years

1/3- to affirm favorable resolution w/ article of impeachment

1 year (1 impeachment for one person only)

sole power to try and decide - senate

anti graft court-sandigang bayan 

minimum age of ombudsman- 40 years old

term 7 years- ombudsman and deputies

percentum of capital owned by citizen- 60

President- shall notify congress (national economy) from execution

Scavengers- eat large dead organism

aliens population 30%

less than 5.6 rain fall- acidiclife and liberty- example of civil and political rights

those who serve in honorary capacity- exempted from filing of assets and liabilities

majority of vote - 2/3

veto bills-30days

PDEA-- lead anti drug law

SIM- subscriber identity module

Asean- Established on August 8,1967 in bangkok

MIPST (malaysia, philippines, Indonesia,Thailand, Singapore)

not a green house gas

SWS- social weather station

World Health Organization- Guineva switzerland

CTA- Court of Tax appeal

DFA- Department of foreign affair

CPP- Communist Party of Philippines

Rocktype-(Metamorphic, Igneous, Sedementary)

Civilian Authority- Authority supreme over military

Family- Autonomous social Institute

2 years- Consecutive term of senate

NDRRMC- National Risk and Reduction management and council

NOAH- Nation wide Operational Assessment Hazzard

PCG - philippine coast guard

Right against self incrimination-compelled to be witness against himself

double jeopardy-punish for same offense

Right to equal protection of laws- quarantees similar treatment of all person

PSG- Presidential security Group

DOST- department of science and technology

President- minimum of 40

equal protection of law- treated a like

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