General Info (Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999)

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Chapter 3

Republic Act 8749

Philippine Clean Air Act

-Approved june 23,1999

State Principles

-right to a balance and healthful ecology

-promote and protect global environment

-responsibility of cleaning the habitat and environment

-"Polluters must pay"

-clean and healthy environment is our concern

Recognition of rights of citizens

- right to breathe clean air

-right to utilize and enjoy all natural resources

-right to participate in any environmental policies and programs

-right to participate in decision making processes that concern with environmental policies

- right to informed of the nature and extent

-right to access records w/c citizen can exercise rights about this ACT.

-right to bring action in court in terms of violation in environmental laws and regulation

-right to bring action in court for compensation of personal damages resulting for environment and health impact.

Designation of Airsheds

Secretary of DENR - will divide the country into different airsheds recommended by EMB (Environmental Management Bureau)

what is airsheds?

a climate ,weather, Meteorology and topology affect the mixture and diffusion of pollutant air

Management of Airsheds

- chaired Secretary of DENR and help by other representatives from local and NGO (non government organization)

Cover of this ACT

all emissions must be within the air quality standards:


-Industrial firms, hotels, Power Plants etc.

-smoke, burning of garbage, dust from construction etc.


COC - (certificate of conformity ) issued by DENR to Motor Vehicles.

MVIS- Motor Vehicles Inspection System by LTO

LTO- Land Transport Office

CCES- Complience of Emission Standard issued by DOTC

DOTC- department of transportations and communications

PAB- Pollution Adjudication Board

Smoke Belching Vehicles Violation

1st offense- 1,000

2nd offense-3,000

3rd offense-5,000 (plus seminar for pollution management)

Polluting Industry Violation

100,000 everyday Violation

6 to 10 years imprisonment for gross violation

Gross Violation Law

3 or more offenses in one year

3 or more offenses in 3 consecutive year

Disregard orders of the PAB

Irreparable of grave damage in environment

Smoking Banned

May 25,2001

-inside public buildings

-inside the enclosed private area

-in public transportations

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